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Against the Storm looks charming and cosy, but it's actually the best and most fiendish city builder I've played in years

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  • Great game. First got recommended it here (I saw the game before but didn't really pay much attention to it) and I love it so much. I've always stayed away from city builders cause I feel like they turn into something I don't really care for as the game goes on, but the short scale rogue lite nature of this works incredibly well for me.

    I really like that settlements are inherently temporary and that the game throws a lot of wrenches at me. It's a good reminder to try and strive for flexibility rather than optimization. Settlements don't have to be perfect (and likely won't be), they just have to work well enough to get to the next.

    They've also added a ton of content and quality of life stuff since I last played a few patches ago. The UI still has some issues, but auto loading saved production limits and the overlay keys for buildings and workers make it so much easier to see what's going on at a macro level.

    Tip for new players: after you get your bearing in game (maybe 1 or 2 settlements), take some time to just go through and check out the overlays. You can easily do stuff like move workers around or see and adjust recipes of all buildings on your map at once. I only just found those options and it's a godsend compared to menu diving.

  • I agree, easily the city builder I sunk the most hours into in the last 10+ years compared to all other ones combined.

    They also keep adding to it with more world events, a new resource (salt), new biomes, and with the expansion a whole new race.