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  • There are so many companies that have all the pieces to make good competition to Steam but their greed gets in the way. Microsoft in particular should have been a shoe-in for it, but GFWL was an embarrassing failure, the WIndows store is rubbish and insists on a new file format that (at least in the past) caused all kinds of issues for games, and now their Game Pass service has no focus on a buying element. This is without going into both Amazon and Google tripping on the starting line when it comes to getting in the gaming space. A launcher that was tied in with Amazon's web store would be a really quick way to get a lot of people in naturally.

    I really wish more people used GoG to where it could be a competitor. Unfortunately the game selection is much lower due to companies turning their noses up at no DRM. Also, I will admit that I tend to buy things on Steam in favor of GoG due to a lot of the features Steam has.

  • I have no problem with competition, but don't force me to use your inferior product. If any of the major companies developed an actual competitor with the Steam launcher (in terms of features, not just a lousy storefront), it would likely get some use. If they somehow made it better than Steam, plenty of people would likely jump ship.

    Epic is just a failure of a launcher. Nobody uses it over Steam by choice, because it's lacking in nearly every way. While I'm not big on exclusives, if the launcher was a reasonable Steam alternative, they wouldn't bother me nearly as much. As things stand, I'm firmly in the "fuck Epic" camp.

  • I don't see what people have against Epic, they're just another company running a storefront, right? Or are they union busters or something?

    Any competition that can take on Stream's monopoly is good, it's been a long time coming.

    You might think Steam are the good guys because they don't abuse their customers yet, but all good things come to an end, eventually. A company with their level of monopolistic grasp doesn't remain benign forever.