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  • When reheating food on a plate, I just put protein first for 30-60s, then add carbs (rice, pasta, or potato) and heat it all together for more 30-60s or until it's steaming. Always full power.

  • The guy on the left except I don't even know the amount of time since my microwave was built in the mid-80s and takes longer to cook food (not sure if underpowered when it was built or some sort of degradation took place, it just came with the house).

  • I've gotten down air frying my frozen microwave breakfast sandwiches down to a science. They never felt right in the microwave no matter what I tried.

    1. Preheat to 350° F, set to 6 minutes, turn on turn reminder.
    2. Separate the bun, sausage, egg, and cheese while you wait for pre heat to be done. Set then in the fridge.
    3. Once preheated, put the sausage on a bun and egg on a bun in the basket and put it in the air fryer. Leave the cheese in the fridge for now.
    4. After 3 minutes the turn reminder will go off. The sausage and egg are cool enough to touch base handed still. Flip the sausage. Flip the egg too, but put the cheese under the egg as well.
    5. When it's done it's hotter so you might need to use something to grab it instead of using a your bare hands.


    When I've tried just nuking it in full for X seconds in the microwave there is always something frozen in the middle.

  • Double time, half power. Everything just tastes better, it's heated more evenly and less dried out/mushy

    The amazing thing is I can't get people to try it... Every time I mention it people look at me like I'm crazy to suggest they wait an extra 3 minutes for their food