Yes I know someone made a thread about the 1st game a couple of hours a ago- but that reminded me I got the 2nd part - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord here and im not sure what mods to get for it. I only dabbled in it for a couple of hours but I wanna give it a serious try this year.
I mostly want Roleplaying or quality of life improvements. GFX stuff is cool as well.
Im open to everything but total conversion mods ( Im gonna bother with those after I have a better understanding of the game)
Fouberie is a "play as a criminal" mod that's still being worked on, it was neat last time I tried it out.
Don't remember the names, but I remember using a couple cheat mods as well.
You kind of have to alter the XP curve if you want to max out some skills (Trade and Roguery in particular)
Unlimited crafting stamina made crafting actually viable, otherwise it's just too much busywork imo; you go to town, craft one sword, and then have to wait 3 weeks
And lastly you obviously have to install a "press button to scream" mod
I wish there was another way to make money besides war (through selling high tier weapons of making them yourself). Workshops don't make near as much as they did in Warband, and caravans are a crapshoot. Not taking part in smithing feels like gimping myself.
Even making the entire experience as easy as possible (setting smithing to 100+ and installing a mod for virtually infinite stamina) it still feels like a chore.
At the end of the day, Bannerlord is a game about getting into giant battles, so I'm not surprised that part of the game received the most focus, but it does make me wonder why they even bothered including Trade and Roguery at all. The kingdom management is similarly super lackluster, but even then at least that kind of thing is expected in the genre. Very strange.
Off the top of my head, the arena mod makes 'training' your troops a thing, by bashing them about in the arena. I liked it because I could pretend I was actually training my army.
I know there were several others I used, including an execution mod that makes it so enemies of a lord you execute are happy with your decision (rather than every single lord ever suddenly hating you), a politics mod that makes other nobles more 'realistic' in their moods and desires, and one that changed the max level you could get in a skill based off of points invested in it.
There might have been one that added a 'missile barrel' that you can get more arrows from in a siege, but I think I'm confusing bannerlord with warband on that one.
There might have been one that added a 'missile barrel' that you can get more arrows from in a siege, but I think I'm confusing bannerlord with warband on that one.
Arrow barrels are already in vanilla Bannerlord so that was probably a Warband mod.