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Who's got a fun hobby they want to share?

I currently don't have much time to put into hobbies, but I did some gardening/landscaping during a break in the rain last weekend. Felt great to get out and move around. Garden finally is put to bed for the winter (or what's left of it).

  • Well, it's on my mind because I'm missing it lately. Haven't had the stamina to do anything in weeks.

    And, tbh, the degree to which I'm able to do it is way below what I used to, and what I wish I could.

    But martial arts. I mostly miss the weapons based stuff nowadays, what with getting too old to hit the ground and get back up fast lol. But I miss that stuff too. Up until fucking covid, I had been back training as my body and that of my teacher's allowed. Then, for while after covid, I was teaching a small group of kids. When that had to stop because of school needs (except my own kid), I switched to mostly solo stuff.

    But between my body deteriorating, having extra stuff to do that's higher priority, I just can't do it like I want. Most weeks, if I get in a total of an hour fucking around with something, it's a good week this last year.

    Back before Christmas, I had some time where I could use my stamina for that almost exclusively, and it was fun. Just fucking around, doing knife and cane practice a few times a day, maybe twenty minutes at a go. Then I fucked my back up doing something unrelated lol. Mind you, it's always fucked up, but I pulled a muscle on top of that.

    And that's the sucky part of passing fifty. Even ten years ago, I would be better at this point, and I was disabled then too.

    Could be worse though!

  • Amateur radio is fun. Cheap to get into, but gets a bit expensive pretty fast.

    But, you can talk to people all over the world with nothing but a bit of wire strung up in a tree. No million dollars worth of computers and infrastructure between you, no. Just two people, two radios, two pieces of wire in two trees. It's crazy that it works at all but it does!

    Getting a license costs something like $30-40 bucks I think. Used to be free even just a few years ago, but now they've added fees to get it.

    You can get into a handheld radio that'll let you talk to your local group of people for $20-30, that'll get you say... 50-100 miles with repeaters. More if they are linked.

    If you wanna go further, you've gotta go to lower frequencies. A low power HF radio can be had as cheap as $80-100 ish. You can technically talk around the world with it, but at only 5 watts, it'll be tough to do unless conditions are just right. People do it all the time, but it's a challenge, a skill to learn.

    $300-400 ish gets you into a 20 watt HF radio, that'll do significantly better, and actually that's the radio I use most the time when I go out hiking with a plan on operating in the woods. For this price you could also get an older tube or hybrid radio that is 100-130 watts, but the learning curve can be a little steep, they are big and heavy, and even if you know what you're doing, they can be a but less convenient than modern radios. Not that there's anything wrong with them, one of my first radios was one of this type, I bought it broken and fixed it, I still own it.

    $800-1000 gets you all the radio most people ever need. Modern digital HF radio, 100 watts, plenty of bells and whistles, practically operates itself. People can and do talk all around the world on 100 watts all the time. Though at this point I have to admit, even with this amount of power, it can be a challenge to talk to the furthest people unless conditions are just right.

    Ok, so more power, right? Well, yes, you can do that. The legal limit in the USA is 1500 watts. But there's a few things to consider about that.

    First, yes, more power will make your signal go further. That's true. But when you're trying to reach the furthest people, often times it's your ability to hear the other person, that's more important. In the hobby they say you don't want to be an alligator, all mouth, no ears. It doesn't matter how well the other guy hears you, if you can't hear him, then you aren't communicating.

    The answer? A better antenna. That wire in a tree does wonders. Honestly, one of my first and most memorable long distance contacts was from lower Michigan to Japan, with 100 watts and a wire in a tree. Almost 7000 miles. Honestly, it was amazing. But later I would make similar contacts semi-frequently, by using a directional antenna called a yagi.

    They cost about $500-1000 for the smaller ones, bigger and better gets into the thousands, not counting the minimum 30 foot tower to put it on. Thankfully mine was gifted to me, it was in bad condition, stored in a crawlspace under a house. But I cleaned and repaired it with 3d printed parts. And I had an old TV tower that I put it on, instead of buying and building one. All free.

    The way it works is by taking the radio energy and focusing it all one direction. Kind of like how the lightbulb in a cars headlamp is very bright by itself, but put inside the special housing in the car, it gets focused so you can see further down the road. It's the same energy, just focused.

    My antenna had a gain of 8dB. What that means is that whatever direction I was pointing it, it took the 100 watts from my radio, and essentially focused it into a 600 watt beam of radio waves. (There's more to it than that, but I'm fudging some of the details here for ease of understanding).

    Now the beauty of this is that it works in both ways. So if I'm pointing it at Japan, and the guy over there is only pumping out 100 watts, then from my perspective, it's almost like he's using 600 watts. See how that's better? Now we're both louder! (Again, details fudged here).

    Now if you take an antenna like that, and pump 600 or 1200 watts into it (those are the sizes of the two amplifiers I have), then your effective output in that one direction is more like 3800 or 7500 watts! That kind of power really does make a difference, a lot of the time. So, why not even more!

    Well, here's where we come back to earth a bit. Yes more power is better. But there are diminishing returns. Radio signals are like sound waves, in the sense that the decibel scale is logarithmic. Twice the power does not get you twice the loudness.

    This is too hard to explain without you having a frame of reference, but.. basically, the improvement in signal you get by going from a 5 watt radio to a hundred watt radio, well, it's pretty significant, right? It takes something difficult to hear, and makes it much easier.

    Well, the increase between those two powers, is over 13 decibels. Now, in order to get that same "Wow, now that's much better!" Improvement? You'd need another 13 decibels. But to do that, you'd need to go from 100 watts, to, well, an illegal output of 2000 watts. The next 13 decibels would require jumping up to 40,000 watts! Decidedly illegal. And you wouldn't want to stand next to it haha.

    So while amplifiers do help, especially when paired with good antennas. Most people don't bother using them because they usually cost around and over a thousand dollars, or more, for the 600-1000 watt ones. The 1500 watt ones are even more expensive. And you have to upgrade everything else in your equipment to handle the extra power. And for what? A bit better signal?

    Don't get me wrong, I use them. But, not always 🤷‍♂️ and I have no desire for a legal limit amplifier, not unless I had money to burn.

    A good antenna is a much better investment, though doing that right can get very expensive very fast.

    Anywho, sorry for the long post, guess I kind of got carried away. I didn't even cover half the stuff we do. POTA, SOTA, Field Day, email and SMS, GPS tracking, satellites, moon bounce, meteor scatter, the role of the sun and ionosphere. Grey line propagation. Fox hunting (not actual foxes), including TDOA. Digital modes like FT8 and APRS, FreeDV, SSTV. Morse code is alive and thriving. Building and fixing radios, building and designing antennas. All that and so much more.

    If you have any interest in technology at all, do yourself a favor and at least look into ham radio. It's literally a license to play with science stuff. And while a lot of it can be expensive, as I've described. A lot of it really isn't, and most of the fun I have is with stuff I've made, not bought.

  • My hobby right now is making a completely local fitness watch without any screen or distractions. Just logs heart rate, spo2, activity, and sleep. No GPS either because if I want that, I will just bring my phone. Maybe an extension of my job though since I design medical device electronics for my job. The only feedback is an LED and good LRA haptics (hopefully).

    Bit of a serial hobbyist:

    • gardening
    • cooking and making new recipes
    • weight lifting
    • running (need to get back into it)
    • implementing a smart home
    • growing mushrooms
    • baking bread
    • making cheese (stopped because Belgium has almost no non-ultrapasteurized milk anymore)
    • designing flight sticks for space simulators
    • running a home server
    • That watch sounds like an interesting project. Have you heard of the HealthyPi Move? It's a open hardware watch with a bunch of biometrics, so maybe there's something in the design or code you could use.

      • Interesting. I had no idea about this project!

        Sadly they are using the Maxim sensor hub with seperate LEDs and data acquisition where i am just using an all-in-one sensor.

        Who knows? I am making the development board right now so maybe I will find that using the same part will make it easier lol

        Very cool project! I wonder when it is called the "pi" when there is nothing related to Pi or the raspberry/orange/banana pi ecosystem? 😂

  • I really enjoy caring for and interacting with animals. I have raised a flock of ducks, own two cats, and two dogs. I volunteer at a stables 3x a week and horseback ride once a week. I grew up on farms, so I'm not comfortable unless there's animal surrounding me. It's kinda really expensive, but it's more rewarding than anything else to build a bond with animals and train them and show them love.

    I trained my dogs the basic dog stuff, and my beagle picked up some super specific commands over time. My ducks also know some commands and a few know their names. I am working on teaching barn manners to one of the horses I work with and I'm trying to desensitize her to totally mundane things she is a bit scared of. My cats know their names and probably know some of the commands I taught the dogs, but they're cats lol. They do know to stop whatever they're doing when I say, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

    All of the critters get excited to see me, aside from my one cat who just exists in my house and likes my mom more than anyone else lol. We usually only interact when she wants something and it's a HUGE deal if she seeks me out for attention.