Critical BIOS/UEFI Vulnerabilities Enable Attackers To Overwrite System Firmware
Critical BIOS/UEFI Vulnerabilities Enable Attackers To Overwrite System Firmware
Critical BIOS/UEFI Vulnerabilities Enable Attackers To Overwrite System Firmware
Headline should have included that this for the iSeq 100.
I am surprised that such devices are not air-gapped.
dood. if the attacker can access BIOS/UEFI of your DNA sequencer, the firmware is the least of your problems. i mean, it's not great it's vulnerable, but that tool should have a minimal hardened, read-only OS.
these gbhackers submissions have superoverblown click-baity titles. I am now aware of them and it takes but a few of these to put these clowns on a cried-wolf list. hopefully lemmy will have some ignore domain thingy and add this to the likes of sun, nypost et al., never to be seen again and/or taken seriously.