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Am i missing something about Valheim?

it feels like bog standard survival crafting game

Conan exiles is so damn similar and is more feature complete

Granted i think the art style looks cool but i dont really see how its so popular

Do i have to play it online for it to click?

  • It's got good progression, it doesn't waste your time with shitloads of grind, you can build really neat viking houses, it's pve coop, and you get to do viking shit with your viking friends. Also: sailing.

  • It's basically a standard survival game, but it has some nice differences

    • generally isn't grindy at all, (conan, ark, and rust were all much more time consuming in my experience)
    • dark souls dodge rolling and parry shit is fun
    • you can build houses faster than minecraft, and tearing shit down doesn't cost you anything
    • additionally building houses is fun with the support and smoke physics
    • atmosphere and art style are good, one of the better examples of low poly game art done stylistically well

    its fun with friends in the same way every game is fun with friends, so idk if that will improve anything other than being able to sing sea shanties together while sailing or something