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Important PSA! Please take your health seriously comrades!
  • I have a wierd thing with the thumb side of my palm where it swells up and hurts if i put pressure on my palm

    It doesn't limit my mobility or anything but i've had it since i sprained it 2 months ago at the gym

  • U.S. Soldiers be like:
  • its like that fking show Generation Kill, the show where every troop was like "this accurately depicts what we are like, this is exactly what we are like"

    and you watch the fking thing and the troops look like complete fking demons, just doing war crimes for fun lol

  • Dude they weren't exaggerating in the chapo bit

    Read in offensive french accent

    "Comedy is ok but clown is more difficult because if you are young boy and you come home with your costume dirty, your mother still love you

    If you are girl, is not sure your father still live you, so for a women its more dangerous to be idiot like for men

    And we can see that when you teach, woman want to be charming clown, but i knew some woman like monster rauugh, fantasque but not so many"

    Reject japanese cartoons embrace Christ

    Todd is the light of life itself


    A post on r\china literally celebrating falling birthrates lol

    r/China is a step above even over reddit

    the coward deleted the post but heres the full text

    > My current relationship is a shit show. To put this into perspective, I once threw away a packet of soy sauce that I thought was trash because it was mixed in with some trash. My Chinese wife then began screaming violently and trying to curse my family because of it. Another time she wanted to divorce me because I didn’t buy her a double cheeseburger from McDonalds. I didn’t want to buy it because she previously insulted me. As soon as I agreed, she began acted nice and sweet. In short, she can be extremely violent and demeaning even from the slightest thing.

    > I’ve talked to other people in China who tell me they’ve had similar experiences. So, is this kind of crazy behavior normal?

    > Edit: I’m adding details as some people are commenting saying that I deserve it or I should just try to understand her better. The above incidents are really just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been chased with a knife, spit on, punched in the face, and much more. If I try to defend myself in any way shape or form, she threatens to call the police on me and lie, saying I’m a foreign spy. I’m not perfect and I’ve made mistakes in this relationship, but this behavior seems sadistic, evil, and way over-the-top. Yeah I agree with the BPD assessment in the comments as she can say “I love you” and “I hate you” within 5 minutes usually over something that wouldn’t even register as a problem to anyone on here. (For example, her having to repeat herself if I don’t hear her correctly)

    > And, by asking if this is normal among Chinese women, I’m not implying “all” Chinese women because there are differences in culture that could make this sort of behavior more prevalent in this society. Of course, there are mean spirited people in every culture. I never said that there were not. However, due to the one child policy, extremely rigorous schooling, etc… you can argue that these things carry serious issues with them that are more pronounced than western societies. If you disagree, that’s fine. You’re entitled to your opinion.

    the comments are something special as well

    > IIRC psychopaths are born, but narcissistic personality disorder is created. And I think NPD is pretty common in China when only children are raised by some guardian that spoils them rotten. It's sounds to me like all these outbursts are just extreme ways to control you.

    > What you describe is not "normal" but it's relatively common. I seem to recall one explanation being the one child policy - being a daughter is a disappointment to the family and as a child they can absorb that sense of being somehow unwanted, but also parents will feel guilty for feeling like this and sometimes overcompensate by spoiling them with lavish gifts and things like that. The result is an adult with a deep feeling of insecurity as well as entitlement.

    We did it, folks

    > The American Dialect Society, in its 33rd annual words-of-the-year vote, selected the suffix “-ussy” as the Word of the Year for 2022. More than two hundred attendees took part in the deliberations and voting, joining both in person and virtually, in a hybrid event hosted in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America’s annual meeting.

    > Presiding at the Jan. 6 voting session was Ben Zimmer, chair of the ADS New Words Committee and language columnist for the Wall Street Journal.

    > “The selection of the suffix -ussy highlights how creativity in new word formation has been embraced online in venues like TikTok,” Zimmer said. “The playful suffix builds off the word pussy to generate new slang terms. The process has been so productive lately on social media sites and elsewhere that it has been dubbed -ussification.”

    > For more on the -ussy phenomenon, see the Vulture article by Bethy Squires, “We Asked Linguists Why People Are Adding -Ussy to Every Word”: “Riffing off ‘bussy’ (a portmanteau of ‘boy’ and ‘pussy’), now everything is a cat or a cavity. A calzone is a pizzussy. A wine bottle has a winussy.” See also Michael Dow’s scholarly paper, “A corpus study of phonological factors in novel English blends.”

    Apparently Virgil Texas is making his comeback, writing for a Trad cath Magazine

    Alongside other Luminaries like Tucker Carlson and Peter Hitchens

    cowards deleted it

    Um kissinger is not war criminal actually, sweaty

    "Unsupported conspiracy to convince a historically illiterate audience that Kissinger is a war criminal" :agony-consuming:

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    CliffordBigRedDog [he/him]
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