@geometry dash unblocked Haha, that's definitely an interesting approach! I’ve never heard of that method before. Whatever works for you, I guess! Keep doing your thing. 😄
This question pops up every now and then on social media and it always blows my mind that there are people who wipe standing up. I just don't understand the logistics of it and it seems like it would make things more difficult.
I installed a bidet during the big Covid lockdown. Now, I just do a little butt bounce and drip dry a moment. Then while sitting, just need 4 squares to pat dry.
My favorite place to shit is at home because that means I don't have shoes on and can slip one leg out of my pants allowing me to spread my legs more. Wiping while sitting allows you to incorporate using the seat to help keep your cheeks spread. The first wipe is a light touch so as not smash and smear but still catch any dingleberries. Second wipe is placing folded square over the hole and using a finger to work into any skin folds or creases. Continue as needed...
Additional tip. Slip one arm out of your shirt so it doesn't accidentally rub against the seat hinges or back of the lid.
Also when involving shits of the more liquid variety, don't forget to wipe your cheeks. Liquid will run down to the lowest point before dripping, and this can often be far away from the hole.
Use a bidet. The idea sounds weird- a toilet that sprays water up your ass. I wasn't sure it was for me. Then I tried it. Holy fuck game changer. FULLY clean EVERY time.
But yeah, sitting down. Finish the dump, run the bidet, then wipe to dry, all while sitting.
Standing up I feel like I clean better, I don't understand the mechanic of doing so while sitting, I mean do you pass the TP under your balls and wipe? Or do you lift your butt a little and wipe thru the gap?
Better question is do y'all wipe from the front or the back? I always do front cuz I don't have to try and wiggle my hand between the seat and my ass or scoot to the edge. I'm looked at like I'm crazy whenever somebody says "ew who wipes from the front?"
@bitlife Interesting question! Most people wipe while sitting down for convenience and to maintain a comfortable position. However, standing up can offer better reach and access, depending on personal preference and comfort.