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Why did America betray us?

I'm a transgender woman and like most of our kind, I'm fucking horrified.

The Democrats are blaming us for 2024's lossx

Trump signed an executive order criminalizing our existence

And I've had cis friends turn on me, telling me "People like you should have left children out of it, you've hurt your cause forever!!111!11"

I have no hope for the future, I feel truly and horrifically, cooked.

I just wanna know. Why did this happen? Why does everyone suddenly hate transpeople when Anti-Trans Policies were deeply unpopular as recently as 2023?

Why? Why? Why?

I just want to know, what did we do wrong? What changed? Why is this happening to us? When do the papers come saying they've "corrected my gender marker" or are they just going to drag me off to the camps instead?

I just.. I'm trying to hold it together, and I fucking can't.

  • I'm also a trans woman, I don't think you should look for anything specific that went wrong. There was always going to be an out-group to blame for all of societies woes. I've been saying since 10/7 that if we're willing to just accept what's happening there (in Palestine) then it's just a matter of time until normalization of dehumanizing people like that blows back in our faces over here.

    The last few years have been revelatory. I lost a chunk of my personal friend group after 10/7, it pushed me to instead more actively connect with other trans people in my locality in person. I've circulated memes to the effect prior to the election and because of that experience I wasn't surprised to see liberals jumping right to blaming trans people for their failures after this election.

    Mutual aid and solidarity across impacted groups is going to be important in the years ahead. All we can do is be prepared as best we can and look to our allies and whatever community we can build.

  • The public needs a scapegoat for their problems and the people in charge don't want it to be them. They are doing everything they can to make sure it isn't them and if you are the sacrificial lamb that saves them then so be it. You weren't abandoned, you were chosen.

  • There will come a time when these people will manufacture a excuse to come after more then the trans community.

    The democrats aren't here to save you as is evident by the most recent defense bill, they won't be there to save us later.

    We are all on our own, so act accordingly.

  • It's the same reason we're targeted in the first place and the same reason we were the first target of the Nazis, back then. When things are in decline, people look for someone to blame, and minorities, who are few in number and already seen negatively, make for the easiest target, even if it the furthest thing from the truth. The alternative is to blame the rich, who have the most power to propagandize and shut down that narrative, but the advantage is that it's actually true, which is enough to give it a fighting chance. But what democrats have been trying to say is not that the rich are the reason people are suffering, but that people are not suffering at all. When those are the only two narratives, people are bound to turn to the one that acknowledges their problem, even if it's full of ridiculous lies, it's a doomed strategy.

    As for the democrats turning on us, at the risk of reigniting a debate, it's because of trolley problem logic. If a minority group like Palestinians can be sacrificed for the sake of winning an election, then the same can and will be done for any minority group that becomes seen as an electoral liability. The only way for any minority, but especially one as small as trans people, to really achieve security is through solidarity, an alliance of the vulnerable that treats an offense against one as an offense against all. Right now, there might be cis gays watching the democrats blame trans people and thinking that they'll be safe, but that's not guaranteed at all. Since we've been on opposite sides of the debate, I expect you will still disagree with me, but perhaps you can understand where my side's been coming from.

    For many people living in safe states (like myself), their vote will not affect the outcome of the election. However, whatever choice is made there (including staying home) will define your political identity and influence your thoughts and actions. Millions of people just voted with the idea, "It's acceptable to sacrifice a minority group in order to win, because it can prevent a worse outcome," and in doing so, they allowed that idea into their minds and allowed their hearts to become more callous. The only surprising thing is that they'd announce their turning on us so soon, when there's not even an election coming up.

  • It has been eye opening to say the least, how easily people are whipped up by obvious propaganda, as long as it gives them something to hate.

    Even as far away as here in South Africa, I've come across people that have been clearly listening to Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan or some shit; who want to 'chat' about transgender people.

    As if it even concerns them in the first place. And as if being transgender is some sort of fad, and not talking about a miniscule percentage of people who are just trying to live their lives without bothering anybody. Because this 'fad' must be happening in some other town from what I can see. With my eyes. While not listening to self important 'gurus' on the podcast or some shit.

    I just want to say that it has nothing to do with being transgender and it could've been any easy to single out group. People like to hate and look down on something different that they don't understand in order to feel superior in some way in their own shitty lives.

    But I feel like that's empty and useless to say to someone while they're being actively targeted. Like telling a bullying victim to just suck it up because their bully has a bad home life or some shit.

    So really all I can say is that I'm sorry this is happening to you. And that I wish there was a way to offer support other than with just words. Like a new country or island where the people are enlightened and not prejudiced, hateful and easily turned by easy to spot slimeballs.