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  • Generally, I'm starting to be skeptical about each seemingly positive event. They are fleeting, and then it's back to this insane hell. In theory, I've met another local vanlifer who wants to join forces to ease each others' burdens, but I'll believe that when I see it.

  • Things could be worse... not sure exactly how, but I bet they could. Last week got some flu again, breathing has been hard for the last few days, stopping to is tempting.

  • Fighting hypervilgilance that wants me to keep track of all the new everywhere all the time, since I know that I'm as safe as I can be in the US and if something big happens I have lots of channels of information to find out about it. Just need to focus on my life and the little joys I can have, like making a cup of tea and enjoying this absurd song I heard that's kind of a dance club remix of a synthetic voice reading PR stuff about queer people? It's honestly great.