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Feel tired constantly. What did you do to solve this?

Edit1: some thoughts based on comments. I was diagnosed with low vitamin D a few months ago but took bills. Maybe a month ago I ran out. I thought getting outside more recently was enough. You all inspired me to be more serious about it. Got my vitamin D3 and b12 pills.

Also, I noticed the two days I felt so tired I slept later and had alcohol too late in the night. One drink but around 12am. I think not just sleep quantity but when I sleep and quality matter.

Will aim to take my pills, not drink after 8-9pm if I drink, and sleep before 11pm.

Thanks for all the advice :)

  • Go to the doctor. Advocate for yourself. Make them take you seriously. I've been extra tired for a couple years and it turns out I have a few autoimmune diseases.

  • Don't sleep (yuk yuk yuk) on this. Get blood tests. Mine was cancer.

    If you also have night sweats and are constantly tired?

    Get checked now. Don't wait.

    Another common symptom is swollen or "hot" lymph nodes. (back of neck, under armpits, etc)

  • How are your iron levels and blood pressure? Sometimes, when you're feeling tired all the time, it can be your body trying to tell you something. If you're sleeping well and you still feel tired, there's no harm in making an appointment with your doctor!

  • Vitamin D3, B6, B12 and Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation helps a bit but I do have autoimmune disease so ymmv. Do yourself a favour and get D3 level checked at least.

  • Talk to your doctor, especially if the people you sleep next to have talked about loud snoring.

    Long story short, I am using a CPAP machine now and it's amazing how energerized I feel after waking up.