What are you playing this weekend? 2025-01-31
What are you playing this weekend? 2025-01-31
It's Saturday again! I keep missing Friday...
Still playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed.
XC 3 is one of my favourite games, and it's so great to be back in that world. One thing I didn't realise was the timeline where the game takes place.
About 20 hours in, and story-vise I think I should be getting to the end, but it can still end up taking 10-20 hours.
Started Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS. I played the remake Tomb Raider on PS3, but since I skipped on PS4, didn't get to play the sequels, now finally gotten around to playing it.
I am really surprised at how well the game plays. The game doesn't feel aged at all, general game play, combat, puzzles, everything. Of course, it's possible that it's just me, cause I mostly play older games, but I have also played some latest games in between, like Spider-man 2, so it's not like I don't know how newer games are.
I am not very far into it, as spending most of my time with XC3: Future Redeemed, but I am loving everything I have played so far.
So, what about all you? What have you been playing?