Plant-based diet
Plant-based diet
Plant-based diet
Now that's some proper boomer humor
The boomest of humor
Get it? He decided to be an alcoholic
Okay guys, this is 100% boomer humour, but it's good boomer humour because it's making fun of boomer alcoholics
Yeast is not a plant.
I quit drinking for good.
Now, I only drink for evil.
Fun fact Most candy and snack cakes are plant based too.
Unless they have gelatin! I was still finding believed snacks that I had no idea used gelatin for years. I gotta find me some mallowcreme pumpkins I can eat
I once heard its possible to live off beer. Like, just drink beer, lets say 8 per day is roughly 2000 calories, eat a pill for all vitamins and that's it. Probably wont even get drunk if you spread them out. Only thing you'd be missing is protein and fat. Maybe eat a fish once a month.
People have been living off beer, bread, and vegetables for thousands of years. That’s the real paleo diet, people.
Yeah but you'll get vitamin B1 deficiency if you go on this diet.
The scribbles for leg hair are genius. Respect to the artist