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  • The personalized, colorful web pages became streamlined, conforming to modern design standards and sacrificing individuality for uniformity.

    There are some pretty big advantages to 'modern design standards.' For one, they make the Internet a less hostile place to users with accessibility needs. I don't have problems viewing clashing colors, flying gifs, jumbled pages with no sanity, etc, but a hell of a lot of people with various disabilities sure do. I don't want to even think about how screen readers try to deal with pages like that. Web1.0 offered absolutely nothing for those users who needed accessibility.

  • The internet sucks and I hate it.. until I stopped using the platforms I don't like and started using the ones that give me hope. I don't care anymore if it's not the biggest thing on the internet it's still more people than I would ever reach irl.

  • Come to think of it, are there any noteworthy sites besides tumblr that let you customize web pages like those latter two screenshots? Say what you will about the aesthetic, it definitely has personality.