Unfortunate family name to start a landscaping business
Unfortunate family name to start a landscaping business
Unfortunate family name to start a landscaping business
I got a new Dr today and his name is Dr. Bowel. And yes, the appointment was for gastrointestinal issues. That guy saw a chance in life and took it.
My wife had a dentist Dr Chow.
Could have also been a chef! #options
An old doctor I saw years ago was Dr. Payne, he was treating my broken foot which was very painful.
He comes from a long line of assholes.
Is there some rule that says they need to use their family name in their landscaping business name?
They chose to use it themselves.
I'm torn between my desire to suggest a portmanteau in all possible situations (Blandscaping) and the fact that this would be an even worse name
Lol, run with it! It would be memorable, and people would talk about it.
Some more to add to the list:
Feel free to keep adding to this list, there seems to be plenty of them out there...
I bet they make a mean lawn
Meh, pretty bland
Hah! They should have gotten into the golf course grooming business.
Since '76? Not bad.
At least they didn't open a restaurant.