Sovcit has many, many thoughts of batshittery.
Sovcit has many, many thoughts of batshittery.
Sovcit has many, many thoughts of batshittery.
I wish there was a sovcit to English or some way to break down what they said.
Child support bad
That's just it, what they said was broken down the moment it left whatever that thing they call a mind is.
Oh my god, that is the translation!
Folks who lost their parental rights are a popular target for SovCit influencers/conmen. They offer "cheat codes" to a legal system they feel has victimized them.
People wanting to get out of paying child support seem much more common in my experience.
It always comes down to child support.
The "aaaaaaa" at the end was OOP screaming in horror during a rare moment of lucidity before the madness reasserted itself.
So many of these SovCits seem to be deadbeat fathers. That mention of child support is a dead giveaway that SovCit is a contemptible piece of shit who got someone pregnant and is now trying to dodge even the most basic ethical responsibility.
If it weren't for the occasional SovCit Karens, I could easily believe SovCit is mainly motivated by men trying to avoid paying child support. At least the Karens seem largely motivated by anti-vax, which is trying to do what they think is best for their kid. They may be misinformed, ignorant, and/or stupid, but at least they are trying to care for their kids, and that's respectable.
I think desperation drives men and women who have to pay child support into this BS. For a blue collar worker making ends meet is hard enough without thousands of dollars being skimmed off of their paycheck. It drives people to work under the table, then they can afford to live but may not have healthcare and certainly no savings going into social security. I'm not making excuses for people rather I think it's an indictment of poor governance. Lack of sex education and birth control, poor wages causing stress on families, weak social safety net, unaffordable health insurance. None of these are isolated problems
Yes. Although the phrasing "skimmed off of their paycheck" implies that it's unfair, when IMO it's responsibility.
Ironically, if there's poor sex-ed, they're largely responsible for that, too, by voting in dumb fucks who'd rather pretend teens are just magically not going to have sex if they don't have access to condoms and education.
But, yes: income disparity is at catastrophic levels with wealth concentrated in a few people who really need to be introduced to Mangione[1], the lack of universal healthcare is a disgrace, and the only warfare is class warfare.
[1] Chuck Mangione, the flugelhorn player, of course
So many of these SovCits seem to be deadbeat fathers. That mention of child support is a dead giveaway that SovCit is a contemptible piece of shit who got someone pregnant and is now trying to dodge even the most basic ethical responsibility.
Many of them can never get over the fact that their "bitch of an ex" will be living in the home and enjoying the electricity and water that their Child Support helps pay for.
So many questions.
And all with the answer of either/and:
A. Wear a condom.
B. Support your family.
Just remember, if a cop stops you, all you have to do is scream IDKFA. They have to give all their weapons to you, the ammunition and the keys.
Then shout IDSPISPOPD and run away clipping through the nearest building.
"They'll never catch me with their hitboxes active!"
And their hats.
It's been a while since I played DOOM, but I can't remember hats in that cheat code.
I'll be the Devils Advocate: Child support can be scary.
When I was making money, I paid $1,400/mo. No problem, though that seems excessive given that the mother also has to "pay". (No, it's not all on the man. The state figures a total and both parties have a dollar amount.)
Now I'm PT at $15, scared about paying the bills and just got an email that they'll be garnishing my wages again. And that's fine.
But how much are they going to hit me with? They're already making me pay the $1,400 for months I wasn't even employed. I can't do that, probably won't make that much a month in total. A friend went to a lower paying job and the state refused to lower his payments.
Thank god I have legal insurance so I can get options if they try to screw me. For $25/mo., if you have one major legal issue, it's paid for itself about forever. Plus, it's nice to have a lawyer on the phone to answer questions and write letters. The law is exactly how the rich fuck over the poor, get your piece of the action.
Absolutely. There's a lot about our child support system that's pretty fucked up. Family court in the US needs a massive overhaul. I've got horror stories from people on all sides. It's obviously no reason not to support your kids. I just understand why some people try to go around the system in any way they can.
This read like ORAGNE trying to talk. His South African chimp would need to translate for him.
always fun to run these through gpt
The text in the image is a classic example of sovereign citizen pseudolegal nonsense. It’s full of vague, incoherent legal jargon, misinterpretations of law, and outright falsehoods.
This kind of thinking gets people into serious legal trouble when they try to apply it in court. Judges have no patience for these arguments, and attempting to "discharge" responsibilities like child support using sovereign citizen tactics will only lead to legal consequences.
My Uncle Alan once tried to pull back the curtain for me when I was like 13 by telling me that the Constitution forbids royal titles or something, and yet lawyers are allowed to have "Esquire" in their signatures. Her looked at me knowingly like "Checkmate," whoever. I just didn't say anything because all I could think was "Okay, so......?"
So custody hearings are going well then?