I've had my roadster up to 120 mph with the top and windows down - and weirdly enough there is virtually no wind. The faster you go, the more the air is blown up and over you and you don't feel it at all.
This is clearly nonsense. Besides the fact that 1000 mph wind is not possible, the earth and atmosphere are rotating at roughly the same speed.
Let me say it again, the earth and atmosphere are rotating at roughly the same speed. This is obvious.
The lack of basic education that some countries have on common physics concepts such as the rotation of the earth is shocking.
It's as if they teach their school children nothing but abstract concepts for 13 years, and then send them out into the world without understanding how relative velocity works, or how electricity works, or how a computer works, or their nation's laws and their rights as citizens and workers, or... anything, really.
For all that education, people seem to leave school completely unprepared for the real world. They are let down by the system. It's sad to see.