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  • My grandmother was a wizard, she forged clothing out of thin air using nothing but string and metal thumb-cap, taught to her wordlessly by the ancient ones. When a fabric would tear, she knew all the methods to seamlessly patch it up again.

    My father was a wizard, he built enchanted automatons that could carry and go using metal implements, learned from reading ancient texts. When an automaton would break, he knew how to diagnose the problem and jerryrig a solution with existing parts.

    I'm a wizard, I cast elaborate spells on cursed devices to funnel digital analogs of ancient texts into knowledge, learned from reading and responding to ethereal texts floating in the daedric plains. When a device gets corrupted, I know how to rescue it with the right enchantments and fortify it against further temptation.

    My daughter will be a wizard, she will cast simple but powerful spells on the ever-present aeric cubes that will shape her reality, as learned by being raised by the voiceless ones who contain the sum total of all knowledge.

  • I think millennials have a very special position. We grew up with computers but it was during the rougher times. So they had to learn more about how things worked. Then came the easier stuff (smartphones, etc.). So we are mostly digital native but with more depth.