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  • Charming. However, I'll still eat you if you die.

    -The cat probably

    • Just because they'll eat you if you die doesn't mean they don't love you. It just means that cats do not believe the body and the soul are the same thing. Once the vessel is empty, it can be consumed to further strengthen those remaining. It is a thing of honor to nourish those you leave behind. The cats know this.

    • They don't understand, but even if they did, they wouldn't care.

  • This works well with dogs, too. My little Monster (Monty is his Christian name, but he responds to Monty, Monster, Grumbles, and Little Boy) loves being sung to. He smashed his floppy, floppy ear against your face so you have to sing directly into it, and he howls when you get to a certain part of the song