Auto loans could pose a bigger threat to young Americans than student loans. For the first time, the outstanding volume of auto loan debt just surpassed student loan debt.
It’s great your path is different from many others’ for whom this is a real issue. I wish you strength with your own challenges and I wouldn’t think to demean them by proclaiming they aren’t my troubles.
I could give you a whole tome on life struggles. I'm fifty one years old. Only in the last couple years have I finally gotten to a point where I feel secure, though retirement is still up in the air.
So all I said in the beginning is that I'm a cheap bastard. The years of housing and food insecurity while being a single parent have made me quite frugal today even when there's extra income now. The whole point was simply that I don't spend like that.
I saw to it that my daughter would have opportunity without the debt struggles that I've known. She did her part, I did mine. Now she's the young professional who's set up to have no struggles.
I regret nothing and would do it again infinite times regardless of what the guy above you has to say about it.
Our expenses are a little less but my wife and I have two kids. Although if we had bought a house around now instead of 7 years ago, it would easily be much more. If we had decided to buy a new car, add that on top.
But one thing to note is that is the average so that is anywhere from a single person to someone with six kids.