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People who dislike capitalism are often labeled as poor and uneducated
  • Now that is a god damn unpopular opinion, but I feel like it's worth downvoting because unpopular opinion does not imply the op should be a dick about it.

    Fuck capitalism, the world may never recover from our obsession with it

  • Do you sit at a desk and keyboard for multiple hours? If yes, please recommend a good chair.
  • I have the aeron, it's nice but a bit uncomfortable if you sit in it in any sort of non standard way, I sit with my legs crossed and my cat in my lap and unless I pad the heck out of the bottom with extra pillow or blanket the hard plastic digs into my feet and legs.

    For me a far more comfortable approach is a monitor on a stand and a comfortable easy chair, along with a split ergonomic bluetooth keyboard. Embrace our wall-e future

  • What is the best way for a society to address adolescent autonomous agency, responsibility, and consent?
  • I think easier access to emancipation would be incredible, when I was a teen in a bad situation I didn't even know it was an option.

    Perhaps the frontal lobes aren't developed, but is that really a reasonable argument against freedom of action? Are we saying people who have less intelligence should not be given freedom? Why is the age 18 instead of 25? I think that's a bad argument.

  • What the fuck
  • I don't think I have enough jehovas witness background to understand this, is that a ... cannibal sandwich? Are they referencing something or are they just being straight up racist and saying black people are the enemy?

  • How do you cope with the state of the world today?
  • Giving up isn't so bad, but for myself I limit how much social media and news I consume and do my best to plan life ahead for any upcoming tragedies when I do get my periodic doses.

    Not much we can do about the truly terrible things happening, but we can make existence a little less shitty around ourselves.

    You and I are not the center of the universe, it's okay to just exist.

  • What is feeling of not caring about death?
  • I'm nihilistic so keep that bias in mind with the rest of this:

    Life is a beautiful nightmare. Death is inevitable and worrying about it does nothing positive for you. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with accepting death before it comes 👍

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  • Cherry picking verses is not the same as refuting an argument. The books say many things that are not practiced. In reality children are in fact taught to rely on supernatural powers.

    To prove my point:

    Say “Nothing will befall us except what Allah has decreed for us; He is our Protector.” Let the believers, then, put all their trust in Allah. -Quran, 9:51

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” -Proverbs 3:5-6

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  • Watch my life and when I want it generate a new movie with a change in trajectory. Basically "the what if machine" from futurama

    Won $10,000,000 tomorrow An alien stopped by The basics!

  • Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (1998)
  • People are in a rush to learn to program because they're desperate to escape the financial situation that burdens them.

    In 2024 when average housing costs are skyrocketing, food prices are untenable, and the overall cost of living far exceeds the worker making double minimum wage, people flock to the jobs they've heard make enough to live.

    It took me about 10 years to learn to build software. But to learn to program? That's an exercise of weeks of dedicated effort. In my opinion we all have a natural affinity for making and following instructions and that translates very well indeed to programming. Unfortunately there is so much more involved in the pursuit of making software.

    Operating systems, languages, tooling, source control, continuous integration/deployment, documentation, architecture, unit testing, frameworks, third party packages, and so much more make up a developer's repertoire.

    Today we have excellent supplemental help for the act of programming with copilot and associated coding tools, but the other stuff requires knowledge and knowledge takes time.

    There is no other job I know of that somebody can dedicate time alone to learning and then jump into a job making >$200k usd in reasonably short order than software, of course people are rushing to learn!

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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