Imagina if terochichimomo was the actual name of coffee in Japanese (?). Pretty crazy.
Reminds me of the game Contraband Police that used Cyrillic Соитяaьаид on the poster which reads "Soityaa'aid Police"
Now that's just 尺卂匚丨丂ㄒ😅
Rule fly rapidly box on side line obstruction of breath T?
I've become so averse to this kinda branding to the point where I'd just prefer them to use a translated version I can't read and some tiny English for anything important.
I'm not scared of kanji! If you're gonna lean into Asian languages for your marketing just use the damn languages properly!!!!
The what????? Loool
Based on context clues, they sounded out the name or sound of each characted used in "soul of coffee"
Yup, that's how the katakana/hiragana would be spoken aloud. Source: I only do these on Duolingo to keep up my streak
Coffee Domination
no one who likes scripture would do this. no one who doens't like scripture should get money for that.
I've seen this video already.
I have no idea what any of that means, but I've recognised the word "coffee" on the cup and everything else became irrelevant. I want one.
The cup is using Japanese letters that look somewhat like English letters to spell "Soul of Coffee". The comment is how those letters are read in Japanese.
I've been learning Japanese for over two years now and English is not my native language. I had no idea what was going on.
I hate this
Ooooooh, that makes a lotta sense! I really should've abused my first ex's willingness to share her knowledge of Japanese...
Edit: thank you!
All us former or present weebs that once learned Hiragana, Katakana, maybe 5 words and phrases, and basically nothing else, understand. (And the people actually speaking Japanese, too)
No wonder why I couldn't read that, I was trying to read the Japanese because I'm learning it
It's not Japanese, they really should not do that because their going to confuse a lot of bilingual folk
I ran into the same issue as you, but for me looking at the entire thing as opposed to individual kana helped
Do these starbucks like drink can be even thought as a "coffee"? I remember trying out Starbucks once and I have felt barely any energy increase
Starbucks-like drink
picture of a latte on ice
I mean Starbucks coffee tastes like extra-burnt charcoal I'll give you that, but I don't think an iced latte is a far out drink or anything...
“Is Starbucks even coffe3???”
Yeah man, it’s made with coffee beans and it’s got caffeine in it. Some people don’t need a whole ton of caffeine to feel it.
If you want to feel something, try their cold brews
Shhhhh, you cant go against the hivemind! Starbucks bad, ok?
I dunno man, for me it’s as simple as “does it taste good?” “It does? Good.” And I like coffee flavor in sweets and desserts.
It's not about drinking a coffee. It's about coughing a drink.