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Leg day, bros
  • I doubt this will help my deep discomfort but it did make me happy :)

  • Removed
    Veronika Slowikowska worked toward making it as an actor for years. Then she went viral
  • This sounds ruder than I mean it to, but some context on why this is news would be helpful :) I have no idea who this is

  • NSFW
    A few more - Faces are hard
  • You're so very welcome ☺️ if you post more I look forward to seeing them!

  • NSFW
    A few more - Faces are hard
  • These are beautiful!

  • Make your own button for school!
  • Ohhhh, I misread the original post as being required to tell people you're gay somehow 😅 I was probably sleep deprived when I read it initially, dont mind me lol

    Thanks for the context!

  • Make your own button for school!
  • The only thing I'm seeing with a quick search is a "don't say gay" bill that later got modified to be less strict or something

    Do you know what the Florida law says or when its applicable? Or any keywords I could use to find more details? Sorry for all the questions I'm way out of the look and this seems like a think worth being informed about 😅

  • [MATE] I'm starting to feel comfortable in my desktop
  • Someone mentioned that it wasn't being maintained anymore, but if I try void again I'll have to take a look at that. Though its definitely not the same as a traditional app store interface like gnome software (flawed though it may be) where you can see the icon, screenshots, even reviews, and I would definitely really miss that functionality when browsing for something. And given I use gnome it may be hard to make it look at home on my desktop

  • Make your own button for school!
  • Wait, is this reference to state law? Where? If that weren't awful that'd be fucking hilarious.

    Now I want a gay advertisement pin

  • A growing chorus of advocates is helping paint a picture of the ways in which having empathy for the struggles of boys and men is not separate from the feminist project, but essential to it
  • I love to see this. Genuinely warms my heart. Raising emotionally healthy, well adjusted young humans who can advocate for themselves, express their emotions, and relate to others in a healthy way is vital. And it feels like we raise young men in a way that sets them up to fail in these ways.

    This isn't a comparison to the severity of issues women face. I just think its one of MANY issues that culturally need to be addressed with respect to gender and socialization. Boys and young men deserve to be raises in a way that facilitates feeling valuable, having healthy self esteem, and feeling safe in expressing emotions.

  • Since my last anti-war post (in the broad, global, universal sense; and narrow sense of our project) had been included some comments about the dove, I've created an orthodox version a'la Pablo Picasso
  • Ahhh, gotcha! I don't participate super actively so I wasn't aware, I assumed it had something to do with current events in Israel/Palestine or Ukraine

    Thanks for filling me in ☺️

  • Introducing a new RISC-V Mainboard from DeepComputing
  • Dude... Thats the fuckin coolest shit ever

  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • Fair honestly, I'm more or less in the same boat 😅

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • I'm glad you at least have a working system. And thank you, I appreciate it very much. I'll find my way back where I need to be, I just have to figure out how first

  • [MATE] I'm starting to feel comfortable in my desktop
  • I was really enjoying learning how to try and set up void, but I really like having access to a graphical app store thats easy to browse 😢 someday I'll have to revisit it

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • Hey, sorry for just never getting back to you, I'm not going to be able to take a look at it, I've found myself in somewhat of a mental health crisis, but I hope youre able to work it out, I'm wishing you luck

  • Happy father's day to all the great dads of star trek
  • Wait, is worf a bad dad? I'm not super deep in the fandom...

  • Riot devs say playerbase is getting older, with fewer newbies jumping in - PCGamer
  • Idk I guess thats fair, the only competitive online game I play is splatoon which has it's issues (recently a huge scandal in the pro scene) but is way better than just about any other online competitive game.

    My experiences with actually interacting with people on lemmy or mastodon have been pretty lovely though 🤷🏻

  • Riot devs say playerbase is getting older, with fewer newbies jumping in - PCGamer
  • I mean, it doesn't help that league also has a reputation for being super toxic. I only follow league in any capacity cause a close friend loves watching the LCS but it seems like a cool game, I just don't really wanna get into something that would consume all my time and expose me to shitty people CONSTANTLY :.

  • Recovering user files from a broken laptop with disk encryption

    Hello, I broke my laptop about a week ago and could use a hand figuring out the best approach for recovering the files when my new laptop arrives

    The laptop was running fedora and would have used whatever encryption option is default in the fedora installer (The laptop required a password before it'd fininish booting so I'm pretty confident it was encrypted), which I believe would be LUKS?

    If I understand correctly the ssd is a socketed sata drive, so I figured I'd buy a sata drive enclosure when I get my new laptop that'd let me plug it in via USB

    I have the password I needed to boot when the device was working, if I get a sata enclosure can I access the files?

    Any input, guidance, thoughts or suggestions are appreciated :)

    The Grille Trend that Kills 509 People per Year

    I really enjoyed the well researched video Fortnine put together on how grille height is the greatest predictor of pedestrian collision fatality.

    How Grille Design is Killing people

    I don't totally belong in this community as I rather like cars & motorcycles (but not how dependent our society is on them), but I really enjoyed the well researched video Fortnine put together on how the height of the front bumper/grille is the greatest predictor of pedestrian collision fatality and I felt it'd be a good fit for the community :)

    Even as more of a car enthusiast, it's very frustrating how regulations intended to improve emissions have inadvertently resulted in basically every car on the road being a towering murder-behemoth that isn't actually even practical for their "intended" purposes (Speaking about trucks and SUVs since in my mind at least they're supposed to be utility vehicles for getting stuff done. Truck beds are the same size, but far harder to reach/see into, and get stuff out off for really no benefit whatsoever, and also have crap visibility)

    I'm sure the way he voices certain things will be frustrating to some folks in this community, and thats fair- I think there's still merit to the way he's trying to push for a single small change that'd make a really big impact on safety (assuming legislators are willing to bite the bullet and actually do something for once). I try to be an ally to the ideas of making society less car-dependent even coming from a different perspective, and I hope y'all can see the value of folks in the enthusiast world as allies to the cause even if we don't share perspectives on everything. (For context, Fortnine is a motorcycling YouTube channel, and is as such obviously run by folks who love and care about motorcycling)

    Hopefully this knowledge being more commonplace and widely discussed can more quickly result in legislation that makes cars far safer for pedestrians and cyclists

    Hope y'all have a good day :)

    Edit: added some context regarding Fortnine that intended to include but initially forgot

    A Pretty Yard for Inspo

    Taken from reddit

    [Homemade] not as impressive as some of the others, but I really enjoyed eating and making this Beef Curry

    A bowl of somewhat lazy tomato based curry made with stew beef and served with jasmine rice, some toasted naan with garlic honey butter, and garnished with some cilantro :)

    (Somewhat lazy because I cheated making the "sauce", using a jar of curry sauce in addition to the aromatics I fried up, supplemented with a bunch of additional spices)

    Iguana 🦎
    when creating a new community, what's the difference between the name, and display name?

    Does the name need to be like the URL, or just what you wanna call the community? There's a little help icon next to the text box, but tapping it doesn't seem to make any help text show up.

    Thanks for the help!

    ImgurViewer on f-droid seems like a great way to add native image viewing capabilities to Jerboa! ImgurViewer | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

    A little image viewer to open image and video links from external applications.

    ImgurViewer | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

    Just thought I'd mention it since it improved my browsing experience a bunch. Seems to work great for a variety of different media sites, and means I dont have to wait for Firefox or a custom tab to load just to see a picture gif or video!

    Hope you gave a lovely day :)

    Cris_Color Cris

    Hello, my name is Cris. :)

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