Christian who voted for Trump learns Trump isn't much of a Christian.
Christian who voted for Trump learns Trump isn't much of a Christian.
Christian who voted for Trump learns Trump isn't much of a Christian.
Of all things, an AI generated photo of a golden statue was a bridge too far for this person. That was where they drew the line in the sand.
It's not even the first Golden Calf of Trump either. There was a real one at CPAC a few years ago.
Reading this nonsense is the ramblings of a crazy person, it's all so goddamn stupid.
And how Trump has EVER given you the impression that he is a "godly man" is just baffling
You get the distinct feeling that they don’t actually know how to read (and comprehend). Everything the know came from a preacher and religious TV. So fucked.
Well....he slept with a porn star the one time. And probably a fair few prostitutes, so that's kinda like the Jesus and Mary thing right? #readthebibleonceanddontrememberfuckall #notagreatangryatheist
He was in a Playboy softcore video, handing the bunnies champagne before they got into a limo.
Exactly as Jesus would have done.
There's video of him saying he's not a Christian in the same speech he claims there's going to be no more elections.
It’s improbable but these people are capable of actually thinking at least once in their lives. That’s a miracle!
Perhaps twice if they happen to function like a broken clock!
The page is just one "Trump" occurrence short of being digestible text for him.
Christians following devout mammonites while thinking them Christians certainly is a thing
Religious people being deranged lunatics, color me surprised :o
Mammon in Spanish sounds like "sucker".
He doesn't care for your teachings. He only cares for himself.
Bullshit. Nothing he does now is new or uncharacteristic of everything else he does. You had all the signs in the world and ignored all of them till now.