Is that a joke?
That makes no sense. Define pirated AI first.
Mad at meta?
Open your Instagram or Facebook app
Yeah, keep on using facebook and twitter, I'm sure they'll be pissed.
I knew he was crazy for banning bitcoin source code on his platform (as much as I hate bitcoins, banning source code is dumb IMHO), but this is on yet another level.
We're all banned from, it's not surprising.
I'm waiting for the Microsoft 365 Copilot Office Live Premium Pro Clippy Edition.
this shows reasoning
You know little Bobby, the LLM is a program inside a computer. It is a big calculator with a biiiiig memory to remember everything you want. But it's not and never will be reasoning.
Also this if you're blocked by spez:
I do that every time my wife has a problem on the phone or tablet. "Try this button then wait then this button." It works all the time.
I stumble upon AI tools accidentally a few times a year and it's always a disappointment (if I ever had any hope about this crap). Recently Gemini was added to my Gmail at work, it sounded like a broken record but the music was not enjoyable:
me: how do I turn off Gemini?
Gemini: go to the settings and turn off the recommandations.
me: it's not working obviously, how do I turn that off?
Gemini: go to the settings and turn off the recommandations.
[repeat forever]
I used uBlock to remove the stupid icon instead, I don't want to waste my time with this.
Nice slop bro!
It’s a mix of AI, the realization that some companies are leeches, and that the purpose of the GPL is to give freedom back to the users. It became important to me for some reason.
I switched from "I don’t care if you use it" to "I don’t care if you can’t use it due to the license, because you abused the system and I’m fed up now."
It is, you're right and I forgot to mention it. But I consider it a good thing for my sanity.
Yep, I know people like that. They are always doubting climate change, and you can add some far-right or incel theory behind.
well-known author El Gato
Who can't take 2 minutes to put uppercase letters at the beginning of his sentences...
AGPL is better to force companies. I used to be a "Whatever" MIT guy, but I'm fed up with leeches that don't participate or contribute, and now all my projects are in the "Fuck you" AGPL license.
Reddit for me is now:
You've been blocked by network security. To continue, log in to your Reddit account
lol no
strong tendency to criticize the US
The whole world has been criticizing the USA since I was born 50 years ago. All I remember is that their way of life is declining all the time, they lied to go to war with Irak, and now they elected Trump, which makes is worse.
someone somehow found a way to criticize the US in it
I can say the reverse. All the time I see Americans talking about the USA in conversations where it is not the topic. What do you think about this? Like someone made a pizza in a random Asian country, and the whole conversation will switch to how NY pizzas are the best.
they may be Russian, Chinese, et al. agents
You're paranoid. It's the internet, it's global, everyone criticizes everyone else. As for causing chaos, you elected one of the most disgusting felon who exists, the chaos is already there.
Va voir la fiche Wikipedia de Alain Madelin pour rire.
Merci pour toutes ces infos. J'ai toujours peur d'un changement d'API chez LibreOffice qui rendrait le plugin obsolete, je vois ça souvent dans mon travail.
cross-posted from:
> Bonjour bonjour, je profite du forum libre pour poster mon inquiétude du moment. On dirait que le site web de Grammalecte n'est pas disponible et je m’inquiète un peu car j'utilise beaucoup cet outil pour écrire tout type de document sur LibreOffice. Le compte Mastodon a l'air abandonné depuis 2017 ( et je ne trouve pas d'info sur ce sujet dans le différents moteurs de recherche. > > Le site officiel et le repo sont inaccessibles pour le moment ( et Je vois aussi que le nom de domaine expire dans une semaine, c'est la cata ( > > Est-ce que c'est uniquement moi parce que j'ai un VPN ou est-ce que d'autres sont impactés ? Si quelqu'un a un fork du code source, je suis preneur pour faire une sauvegarde du bazar et pourquoi pas coder quelque chose pour que ça reste disponible.
Bonjour bonjour, je profite du forum libre pour poster mon inquiétude du moment. On dirait que le site web de Grammalecte n'est pas disponible et je m’inquiète un peu car j'utilise beaucoup cet outil pour écrire tout type de document sur LibreOffice. Le compte Mastodon a l'air abandonné depuis 2017 ( et je ne trouve pas d'info sur ce sujet dans le différents moteurs de recherche.
Le site officiel et le repo sont inaccessibles pour le moment ( et Je vois aussi que le nom de domaine expire dans une semaine, c'est la cata (
Est-ce que c'est uniquement moi parce que j'ai un VPN ou est-ce que d'autres sont impactés ? Si quelqu'un a un fork du code source, je suis preneur pour faire une sauvegarde du bazar et pourquoi pas coder quelque chose pour que ça reste disponible.
cesser de considérer ces plateformes
20 ans que je m'en passe, 20 ans que ça dure, rien ne changera.