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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 mo. ago

  • what else would i be talking about

    I'm a programmer. I was expecting languages, OS, open-source, APIs, file formats. What we have been calling "stacks" for the past 30 years but which has been hijacked by web devs.

  • That's worse. If someone was telling me about "google or microsoft stacks" without explaining what it is, I would laugh.

    Are you talking about OS, mobile OS, GUI, web, SaaS, APIs, services, subscriptions, servers, cloud, VMs, ...? What the fuck is a stack? Stack is a term that has been stolen by web devs and means nothing anymore.


    A very funny movie with good actors and everything, except for one major disappointment: at the end of the movie, you understand that some humans collaborates with aliens, they get magical watches, free money, and the aliens even have some kind of interplanetary door to teleport yourself to zombie-land. But they don't go further in that explanation because the movie is already over.

    They could have made a whole sequel with that new world, but instead we are left with a few pictures, and the ending credits of the movie. It felt like "Poochie died on the way back to his home planet. The End."

  • IMHO islamophobia is a trend that people tend to use to shut people up. They also forget that France has been regularly attacked by muslim terrorists since the 80s/90s. All the muslims I know don't care about that crap and they live their lives like everyone else. You wouldn't even know they are muslims.

    It is the new generation that is offended every five minutes because, for some reason, France don't like seeing traditional religious clothes from the middle ages all over the place, which comes from the catholic church that ruled with an iron fist until the revolution (and for an additional century from French people who were still deep into the sadistic teachings of the church).

  • his performance wasn’t good enough came as “a complete shock” because he had previously received positive feedback

    It is sad when a guy who worked for so long doesn't even know the basics of performance reviews: everything is bullshit from HR and management in order to fire you later. There is no performance, there is no family, and they all discovered that the MAGA family behaves the same way as a bad company.

  • Which is one more stupid thing from Mozilla. Imagine if, 10 years ago, they had made a combo of: Firefox, Thunderbird, email hosting, maybe some kind of online office thing and a drive, Sync... That could have been the ultimate productivity package for "Office" stuff inside one convenient subscription.

    Instead we now have Office 365, Google Docs, and nothing more.

  • It should not terrify you. I also see retired people who become bored, but when you understand things a little, they always had a boring life with no hobbies and where the work was filling everything else. Without work they have no life.

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