heavydust @ heavydust @sh.itjust.works Posts 2Comments 371Joined 2 mo. ago
It’s weird because I remember Reddit implementing that maybe ten years ago. If someone can confirm.
A few years ago, Baby On Board meant "my children are in the back seat and they are pissing me off, I can't drive, be careful if you follow me." It seems that it has changed for some reason.
That's defamation. French people are very peaceful, and those cars have a tendency to light themselves on fire.
Why don't you, I mean, I know it's gonna be hard for you but, eat food from other countries or local food?
Canceled Wonder Woman 'Was Gorgeous and Expansive,' Comic Book Writer Who Consulted on the Game Says
It reminds me of the 80s Wonder Woman movie: visually perfect. And a grand total of 2 minutes of fights in the whole movie.
It should not terrify you. I also see retired people who become bored, but when you understand things a little, they always had a boring life with no hobbies and where the work was filling everything else. Without work they have no life.
level and fair playing field
Hahahaha. Anyway is that the job of the FCC at all?
If that’s the limit of your knowledge, I can’t help you. Read more on the subject maybe.
You have no issue with a company trying to illegally prevent people doing something legal?
Is it only for emulation? Stopping emulation is the illegal part.
lol no it doesn’t. stop making shit up.
They literally restrict the usage of Firefox by applying their policies. It’s written.
We need a license to allow us to make some of the basic functionality of Firefox possible
Why are they doing stuff on my behalf instead of relying on the programming language that already does everything. That’s another lie of course. Mozilla does nothing but they pretend they do in order to get more data and credentials.
Mozilla should have no fucking role when someone uses Firefox.
And stop with the Sync crap, it has already been dealt with when the user subscribed to the service.
If you dont understand why people are pissed that a company demands any kind of overreaching control that has never existed so far, you must be working for Mozilla but it’s not very convincing.
All these terms are about the source code and the one who receives it or not.
The equivalent would be the MPL for Firefox, which, guess what, does not prevent the user from doing anything with the source code.
Now let’s go back to talking about the ToS shit because you’re confused, talking about software license which is irrelevant here.
I don't need to read legal stuff because we don't need a ToS: I don't need one, Firefox doesn't need one, Mozilla doesn't need one for Firefox. So, why?
Mozilla was just rewording the ToS
No, because it's the first time they added a useless ToS to Firefox. The ToS is not changing, and that's the main worry, it is being created.
- There was no ToS before, for 20 year and maybe more.
- They don't need a ToS for Firefox only.
- Its existence violates the first freedom of open-source applications: The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (aka "freedom 0").
- They refuse to explain why they need one despite developers knowing fully well that it is not needed unless you're trying to do bad stuff.
Yes, something bad has changed. The whole organization was a mess but it never changed or involved Firefox. It has now and they pretend that we are too stupid or confused to understand what is happening.
If you want to stop using FF then stop
That's what I'm doing because it never was that bad. I already trusted Mozilla as much as I trusted Google, but it was fine since it never involved Firefox. I wish them good luck with their ads and AI experiments.
They don't think about freedom around me. Most idiots I know are have a fetish for a dictatorship because they think they'll keep on living their redneck dream while getting pretty SS suits when the master takes all the power.
Call me when they remove it.
Mozilla [is] asking for user data in order to operate Firefox
I'm confused. Isn't Firefox an autonomous application? Like it could be "programmed" to do stuff without asking Mozilla every time? Why am I not operating Firefox, why is it Mozilla?
J’ai laissé tomber. J’ai créé l’identité machin en allant valider ma carte dans un bureau de poste. Tout va bien.
Ensuite on se rend compte que ça fait la même chose que les impôts pour se logger, pourquoi l’un plus que l’autre ?
Enfin la poste ce sont des sites web merdiques qui crashent sur certains navigateurs si tu as trop de restriction. J’ai désactivé tout ce que je voulais sur Firefox: rien. Et sur mon nouveau Linux c’est pire, plus rien ne marche quelque soit le navigateur.
J’ai laissé tomber le truc et je suis revenu à mon bon vieux numéro fiscal. Au moins je suis certain que le site des impôts sera toujours là pour récupérer mon argent même après une guerre nucléaire.
En lisant la plainte du monsieur je me souviens pourquoi j’ai toujours détesté la poste : ouvert en semaine de 15:00 à 16:00 alors que tu bosses, ouvert le samedi matin de 8:40 à 8:45 sauf qu’il y a un papier collé sur la porte disant « lol on est fermé désolé », à une époque les colis étaient ouverts par les facteurs et recollés avec un scotch officiel la poste pour cacher le trou (un ami m’a expliqué que les fautifs ont été virés).
Pas étonnant qu’on ait une invasion de boîtes au lettres Relai Colis ou autre. Et c’est disponible 24h/24.
I’ve been boycotting Starbucks for 10 years because it’s shit coffee, and McDonalds for 30 years because it’s shit food.
What kind of stack are you thinking of?
People decided it was a new N-word because it was a medical term a few centuries ago. I don't understand it either.
TSMC, the greatest manufacturer of chips in the world, is coming to America
At least they admit they are not the greatest and have to seduce companies.