heavydust @ heavydust @sh.itjust.works Posts 2Comments 372Joined 2 mo. ago
Downvoted because we don't have to hear all the idiotic thoughts of this moron but:
I literally challenged Putin to one on one physical combat
Putin is a crazy fucker from the KGB. Strength in a fight is not about age, going to the gym, or all the things Elon believes. I have personally known skinny old guys walking with a cane who could kick his ass in a few seconds.
Ukraine will inevitably lose
Putin propaganda, I am not surprised. The rest of the text is the same shit.
Make sure that the aftermarket brand is fine with your model though. I have been buying recycled toners at half-price for years and never had any problem.
Also yes, I've seen it a lot but playing with toner is described as getting instant cancer, don't do that.
I can't sing well, but I see singing as mastering the flow of air in your body, the control of that body, and the recreation of emotions for an audience. That's a job that is already difficult enough and exhausting.
Yes, Sinatra too. He is obsessed by the 60/70s first rock music (the real kind, not the fake stuff of the 50s) and he's stuck there.
You know what's worse? He is listening on a regular basis to singers he hates because they wrote their own songs. Having pure principles is more important that liking something. Yep, he's fucked up in his head somehow.
No one ever asked that question about an opera singer
I actually have asked this specific question to my idiotic boomer father recently (not MAGA but almost). He "knows" (or religiously believes) that people must both compose AND perform, otherwise they suck. I had some free time with this moron so I kept on trying to find examples until I went to your question.
An opera singer cannot "write" lyrics because they sing Mozart stuff and Mozart is dead. My father answered very seriously that, yes, even the best opera singer is still a failure because he's singing songs from dead people.
Now you know, Bocelli and Pavarotti failed at life.
Let's say that we have a complicated relationship, he never was a father to me, and I'll grieve him for 30 seconds when he dies, but some people do believe that. Sorry for the rant.
"You're scammer and a liar, you're a disgrace, you failed at being a decent human, you disgust me," said no one ever.
No one gives a fuck, making music, arts, singing and stuff is about having fun or expressing your emotions. Keep on doing that, and remember that the opinion of others do not count unless it comes from loved ones or friends. Trust me, I'm old enough to have wasted way too much time on wondering that kind of thing.
Also I'm a computer programmer but I've never written an operating system. I know a billion other things though, I still have fun every day.
I'm not Polish but I do remember that TVP is a regular TV station.
what else would i be talking about
I'm a programmer. I was expecting languages, OS, open-source, APIs, file formats. What we have been calling "stacks" for the past 30 years but which has been hijacked by web devs.
You tell me. What is a Google stack? What is a Microsoft stack? The other guy was talking about a "tech stack" which practically means nothing.
That's worse. If someone was telling me about "google or microsoft stacks" without explaining what it is, I would laugh.
Are you talking about OS, mobile OS, GUI, web, SaaS, APIs, services, subscriptions, servers, cloud, VMs, ...? What the fuck is a stack? Stack is a term that has been stolen by web devs and means nothing anymore.
A very funny movie with good actors and everything, except for one major disappointment: at the end of the movie, you understand that some humans collaborates with aliens, they get magical watches, free money, and the aliens even have some kind of interplanetary door to teleport yourself to zombie-land. But they don't go further in that explanation because the movie is already over.
They could have made a whole sequel with that new world, but instead we are left with a few pictures, and the ending credits of the movie. It felt like "Poochie died on the way back to his home planet. The End."
A book that I haven't read in a long time, and now would be the proper time to do it again.
They should collaborate with IBM, they know how to handle that kind of thing.
IMHO islamophobia is a trend that people tend to use to shut people up. They also forget that France has been regularly attacked by muslim terrorists since the 80s/90s. All the muslims I know don't care about that crap and they live their lives like everyone else. You wouldn't even know they are muslims.
It is the new generation that is offended every five minutes because, for some reason, France don't like seeing traditional religious clothes from the middle ages all over the place, which comes from the catholic church that ruled with an iron fist until the revolution (and for an additional century from French people who were still deep into the sadistic teachings of the church).
Look at the front page, and also great articles such as "Biden Spent Millions on Transgender Animal Experiments" and "President Trump is Leading with Peace Through Strength."
Firefox is the kind of software where I would gladly pay $10 a month to support its development.
Dismantle Mozilla, give the money to Firefox, profit.
his performance wasn’t good enough came as “a complete shock” because he had previously received positive feedback
It is sad when a guy who worked for so long doesn't even know the basics of performance reviews: everything is bullshit from HR and management in order to fire you later. There is no performance, there is no family, and they all discovered that the MAGA family behaves the same way as a bad company.
I can't find it anymore but they had the same experiment around 2015 I guess. If you upvoted too many trolls or far-right people, you could be punished for this. The idea is not new.