Apple takes UK to court over 'backdoor' order
Apple takes UK to court over 'backdoor' order
Apple takes UK to court over 'backdoor' order
Say what you want about Apple and their motivations, we really need them to win this case. You cannot get your privacy (or right to it) back once it’s gone.
Don't trust the corpos but Apple has a history of resisting stuff like this.
No 👏 they 👏 do 👏 not.
Get Apple's dick out of your ass.
They literally have a history of moving data to government servers and handing over encryption keys:
They care more about protecting their IP and public image, not end privacy of users.
They make a big fuss anytime a public request comes up like the FBI a few years ago, but they have zero issue funneling everything into the NSA just like every other Silicon Valley shmuck.
Ignoring the fact they already did this in China? And by the way, you have no way of knowing when your data was uploaded to the Chinese servers
Apple is all proprietary anyways, so you shouldn't trust them still, even if they win this court case. I recommend using Librebooted Dell OptiPlex 780's or Dell E4300 Latitude's with Trisquel GNU/Linux + Tor Browser with Javascript disabled if your looking for the most privacy in your internet activites. You can do what you wish with this information.
It's irrelevant what fascism collaborators do as their side job. Fuck apple.
bow chicka bow bow
What did the farmer say when the brown chicken walked up to the brown cow?
So, why are they suddenly allowed to talk about it?