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How much firmware is initializing???
  • and it that moment we all squint our eyes and become homer simpson

  • Hunter Biden enters guilty plea in federal tax case, avoiding a trial
  • Trump pardoning every scumbag in existence when he was president, has left a very bad taste in my mouth, especially Joe Aprio (sp?) immediately springs to mind, among a rouges gallery of criminal clowns, so yeah I'd like to see a one two punch from the Bidens on Joe's way out the door, Hunter pleads guilty with no deal, gets sentenced to whatever it is these fucking Trump installed judges hand him, it becomes a flashpoint for the election, again drawing the line under the difference in accepting responsibility, and Trump, then Trump loses the election, and Joe pardons Hunter. I would turn my pockets inside out to rat fuck Trump exactly like this.

  • Hunter Biden enters guilty plea in federal tax case, avoiding a trial
  • Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but it seems, from the outside, making and open plea, without an agreement, our boy Hunter is taking one for the team, in drawing a line under accepting responsibility for his criminal actions, while Orange Hitler does everything in his power to avoid fault in any of his multitude of crimes.

    Also, I'd love to see Joe say, fuck it, and pull a West Wing Bartlett, and pardon him in the last minute of his last day in office. I would pay very good money for this.

  • Hunter Biden enters guilty plea in federal tax case, avoiding a trial Hunter Biden enters guilty plea in federal tax case, avoiding a trial

    The dramatic development came shortly before jury selection was expected to begin in what would have been Biden’s second trial this year.

    Hunter Biden enters guilty plea in federal tax case, avoiding a trial

    The dramatic development came shortly before jury selection was expected to begin in what would have been Biden’s second trial this year.

    i will never understand scientific fraud
  • If Scientists don't publish they do not get grants. Grants it turns out pay their rent, and things like food, and transportation, and kids summer camp. Failure also has a detrimental effect in the attaining of grant monies. There's a direct line here. For those that choose to go down this road, they do it for as long as they can get away with it, then try to plea bargain.

  • Switchblade-Wielding Subway Rider Locked In Standoff With Penis-Wielding Subway Rider
  • you can't bring a penis to a knife fight, man

  • How much firmware is initializing???
  • ....... and you're updating it remotely

  • Navy commander relieved of duty after photo showed him firing rifle with scope backward
  • you command one of the most destructive forces ever devised by man, if you're dumb enough to make the mistake of accepting a lethal weapon without inspecting it, it can be assumed you do that with all things. this is just not embarrassing, it goes to show what this man is able to miss, and naval command doesn't want someone like that at the helm of one of their destroyers. it's an easy call.

  • New Indictment Alleges Conservative Media Company Took Millions of Kremlin Cash
  • they'll give it the same spin they give al jazeera

  • Russia built covert trade channel with India, leaks reveal
  • If the fact that India was the lone superpower openly courting Russian Gas and Oil when the rest of the world was instituting restrictions, and getting a deep discount for it, didn't clue you in to India not playing onside, I don't know what would have

  • Election conspiracy theorist fined $1,000 a day until he discloses evidence to court
  • I mean if he's just some regular schmo, his available cash reserved are, if not immediately, going to be underwater rather quickly. Real implementation of this fine, and immediate liens against his assets and property, are the only things that are going to get this jerk to 1) admit he doesn't have the evidence he's claimed or 2) produce the evidence. Anything but immediate action will see this drag out with to no financial benefit to the aggrieved, of which he is sorely due.

  • shoulderoforion shoulderoforion
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