answer me, gregory
answer me, gregory
answer me, gregory
Don't give the Springfield mob any ideas now...
Fundamental commodities for a space game: baobab trees, eels, crystal milk, serfs.
How is there not a single Futurama reference in the comments? I thought we were all nerds?
i already did!
Why would cockroaches HAVE milk? They don't nurse young or anything like that
Cockroach milk is sourced from the Pacific Beetle cockroach, a type of roach that gives birth to live offspring and produces 'milk', which it feeds its embryos through a 'brood sac' (essentially a cockroach womb). There is, in fact, no actual 'milking' involved: scientists need to carve out the cockroach’s gut in order to access the milk, which is in the form of crystals.
🎵 La cucaleche, la cucaleche 🎵
Absolutely cursed 😂
What ever you do, dont tell RFK about raw cockroach milk.
He would snort lines of it ... it is crystals after all.
There are not many times I feel sorry for cockroaches, but setting RFK onto them would be one.
Is this acquired similar to how cow milk is or more like almond milk?
Popped open the article to find out, and the answer is neither. The 'milk' is crystals collected by cutting open a particular kind of roach and extracting them from its brood sack.
There's a phrase I didn't know I'd be using today.
Bam! Right in the brood sack
I wonder what kind of research goes in a lab where someone goes "what if we cut the grub from the pregnant cockroach and test to see it's nutrition content?"
What a terrible day to be able to read.
I wondered the same, but do we really want to know?
Just read the other reply and I can now say no I wish I didn't know.
I'm kindof a nimby when it comes do giant cockroach farms in my area, please don't scale this up. Don't make "oops 2 billion milkroaches have escaped" a thing.
I'm calling it. Roach flu, next pandemic.
Would've been useful knowledge while I was still living in the dorm...
Who's Greg? You mean Gaylord. Gaylord Focker
I would rather drink piss than cokroach milk
In libertarian free market you won't even know what you're drinking. Just the prices.
I would rather drink roach milk than cock piss
I definitely assume that Palmetto Cheese is just ground-up palmetto bugs.
And somehow, just as disgusting