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California farmers backed Trump. Now, his tariffs could hurt them

  • If only trumps fuckery would only fuck over his voters and not us smart/sane folks, I’d be fine with that.

    If his fuckery also fucked over the “I refuse to vote for Harris cuz genocide” I’d be fine with that too, because fuck you guys for not seeing how trump would be worse.

    • "It's already a genocide. It can't get worse"

      A commonly repeated phrase, reflective of someone not knowing history

  • Lets hope so. I am sick of seeing their pathetic signs promoting him along the freeway.

  • It's like all these assholes have amnesia and can't remember how he screwed everyone but the rich over last time. He actually had to bail farmers out because he screwed them so bad, costing tax payers more than $60 Billion.