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  • Why onli mens opinions?....

    • Bigoted men often comment on women's appearance.

      "Too much makeup." "Your skirt is too short." "You should smile more."

      It goes without saying that the women they're judging weren't asking for their opinions.

      • soooo it's bigoted men who we shouldn't pay attention to. but that's like --.-_,.-nothing new >~<

        also i've never heard peeps say that ever before... maybe cuz im not from the freedom country...

        every time i see one of the posts going "This guy told that woman 'i think u would look nicer without makeup' " and he's being portraid negatively, i always thought

        but like... what if he like . . .-.. idk, what if he means it genuinely, in a non-destructive, non-controlling way?.. like "Hey, we've known each other for some time now, and ... idk if u think so too, but i think that lipgloss might be just a bit too... aggressive? If u like it it's totally fine, im very happy if that is the case. I just wanted to share my opinion on this, since u also tell me sometime that my tie looks off or stuff like that".

        Also, i feel it's weird this is being specifically targeted at men. This might just be me having a weird internal fight of "Men are awful cuz capitalism and selfish" and "Men can be so super nice, let's not assume the worst all the time", idk...

        If another women were to tell some woman that some makeup might be just a lil too much, would that be much better? If so, i feel that is rather unfair... ;(

    • not only men, nobody's opinion of you means anything unless you want it to. that being said, I find that it's most often men who offer unhelpful, or even offensive advice unsolicited. if a man happens to get offended by my unsolicited opinion by seeing this then all I have to say is ~~ <3 ~~ :3c

      • I jus... I rlli want to believe that that many manly peeps aren't evil.

        I wana believe that this is just me projecting everything bad [capitalist, selfish, unhelpful, not empathetic, unreasonable, loud, aggressive, angry, insults more] onto something, and not axtual reality. Like - it can't be that clear cut...

  • To people who give unsolitcited opinions, not to any of the commenters here:

    Sings If we haven't asked for your opinion then we don't want to know it. If we haven't asked for your opinion then we don't want to know it. If we haven't asked for your opinion then we don't want to know it. So fuck you!