CPS workers are scared bunny rabbits who totally stop trying to protect children when they receive sovcit letters.
CPS workers are scared bunny rabbits who totally stop trying to protect children when they receive sovcit letters.
CPS workers are scared bunny rabbits who totally stop trying to protect children when they receive sovcit letters.
Is that the actual daughter, et al, or the natural person, or the straw man (woman) named as the daughter? So confusing.
It's strange how there's a collection of specific magic words in a specific order that can do anything but they can accidentally use the wrong word in this one and it's just fine
If they really messed up the words, they might summon an ancient spirit.
They see and experience actual lawyers using "magic words" to achieve their goals and think they are smart enough to shortcut the middlemen. What they can't shortcut is 4-years of university, another 4-years of law school, passing the state bar, and loads of experience practicing law. Hell, a lawyer that knows what sort of judge you're going up against is worth his weight in gold.
It's been fascinating, and a bit humbling, talking to lawyers over the past several years. tl;dr: What I thought I knew was bullshit and lawyers know their shit.
While we're at it, I'll plug for Legal Shield. Think I pay $26/mo.? It's basically legal insurance. You can call customer service and get a lawyer on the phone within an hour or two. Consultations are free, and I believe simple documents like end-of-life stuff are free. I think they'll draft a letter for you free, not 100% on that, haven't asked. 25% off if you have a "real* case like a divorce.
My divorce lawyer was a lazy POS, my child custody lawyer blew me the fuck away. In any case, got it all handled for thousands less than I would have paid had I called someone I randomly found online. Currently getting raped on fees from a lawyer my mom found to handle our estate case.
Anyhow, legal representation is the real difference between the rich and the poor. The rich know their rights and what they can get away with. The poor, like these idiot sovcits, do not.
This person basically saying, “I need to be paid if you want to speak with my property”.
Why do they want everything to be treated like a business with contracts and signed agreements? I mean we know their worldview is fucked, but it’s still mind boggling that this is how they want to live and communicate with others.
After reading sovcit nonsense for over a decade, I have a very simple conclusion. They are fucking stupid.
They have to sign these legalese mumbo jumbo contracts to live in society, and rather than trying to parse them out, they assume that they are more akin to magic spells.
So, much like a cargo cult, they believe if they repeat the words of the magic spells they will cast them for their own benefit.
The sad thing is, at it's core, I believe they are realizing that the state fucks the poor ever chance it gets. What they get from that though, because they are dumb, is that it's all magic spells because of rugged individualism beaten into them by American culture. They should be developing class consciousness.
Gah. The language these fools abuse is just barely worse than magic in Harry Potter.
CPS has always been fucking useless in my opinion. Cigarette burn on my hand as a kid, but there was "insufficient evidence for removal". Check out my post history to see what kind of person that decision led to...
My mom was a CPS agent for many years and a lot of that is out of their hands for various reasons. Mainly no budget in many areas, shitty judges unwilling to allow the kids to be moved, or if they can move the kids there is no one who will take them.
Doesn’t mean there aren’t shitty agents and supervisors, there are quite a few people who apply who are not qualified or have blatant issues.
I'm a foster parent and yeah, there just isn't anywhere for these kids to go. In any given state there are hundreds of kids who need a bed. The statistics for kids in the system are absolutely abismal. Something like 50% of kids in the system will end up with an addiction. It's super rough to be a foster parent.
Statisticly, kids are better off in abusive homes than in the system. Which is something that once I learnt, has been a constant battle to try to square
It's all so tragic
A person that knits?
Lol, i should have said comment history, but yeah, knitting helps keep the demons at bay...
Maybe they stopped talking to you because you’re fucking crazy.
It also sounds like he has nothing to do with the case
When does she emancipate her slaves?
And now I'm reading it in a ferengi voice.
Haha, quite the silly mistake at the end. Obviously he'd be the Trustee.