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Movies and TV Shows

What to do with this community?

Hello everyone,

As the previous mod went missing, I got mod rights on this community. For full transparency, see the history between this mod and I:

So,as you probably know, the "movies and TV" space is quite busy on Lemmy. At the moment, there is, by order of active weekly users, first one being the most active

For movies:


For TV shows:

As you can see, it's quite messy, with a few recent communities. You see people from time to time mentioning how the first "multi-community" they create on apps like Voyager is one to get all the movies communities in one feed.

There are a few options we could consider here

Option 1. Lock it down and redirect to other movies and TV communities.

People were already not posting a lot lately, most of the activity happening on the other communities listed above. There would still be plenty of options (at least two on each topic).

A script can be used to ping everyone who posted and commented recently to make sure that people follow through. Example:

Option 2. Keep it open

Leave it open, and accept that people may not find the more active communities, and post here from time to time.

Other options - your suggestions

Feel free to provide your suggestions in the comments.

As a note, I'm not offering a "give a new mod team", as any person wanting to volunteer as a mod would we welcome on ! (application post in the sidebar)

  • Definitely a tough one. I think you could keep it open but still mention the more active communities (if it doesn’t costs you to much money and time).

    If the community keeps being silent, close it and redirect to the more active ones.

    Curious on other peoples opinions.

  • Hmmm … tricky.

    I’d clear it or redirect, unless there’s a decent protest against the idea. In which case, working out what people especially like here and then focusing on that if viable, would be possible.

    Generally though, no need to keep up to many dups.

    Otherwise, knowing the history here … I think you’re to be commended on your persistence and commitment to this space!

    • Generally though, no need to keep up to many dups.

      Makes sense

      I think you’re to be commended on your persistence and commitment to this space!

      Thank you!

  • Please keep it open. Different instances having similar communities is a good thing. Otherwise we get back to Reddit, which we don't want. (At least, I thought that's not what we want)

    Not everyone may have access to all instances, they may fit better with one community over another, different communities have different vibes. This is all good. Mass consolidation means less choice. That is not good.

    • Different instances having similar communities is a good thing.

      In this case it's the same instances having similar communities, the three of them are on

      different communities have different vibes

      Not sure if there's any vibe here as people hardly post

  • Leave it open, and accept that people may not find the more active communities, and post here from time to time.

    It isn't a competition, so if a community happens to be less popular than one on another instance then so be it. Some people will block one of the instances and not others, so they will see some of the content if it is spread around. Plus each community has the opportunity to develop their own culture if they want, even if it involves a small number of users.

    Or if it dies completely and there is no desire to moderate it in case of spammers, just close it down and put up some redirects to active communities. Definitely leave up any existing posts though for future reference.

    • Some people will block one of the instances and not others has three similar communities, so that wouldn't really help.

      Definitely leave up any existing posts though for future reference.

      Oh yes, that was the plan. See what happened to !