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Exciting New Trailer Released For Gex Trilogy | Retro Gaming News 24/7
  • Eh. LRG puts out dumb stuff all the time, but they're not forcing anyone to buy their $200 Bill & Ted limited edition with stickers, soundtrack, and SteelBook or whatever. It's not a company's responsibility to sell you less stuff.

    If you just want an easy way to play certain games on your Switch or PS4, they can be an easy way of doing so if you no longer have the console in question or if the market rate for original cartridges or discs has priced you out.

    They also occasionally put out the first Western licensed version of certain Japanese games on original media, which I think is pretty worthwhile and something they should do more of. Provided they aren't just CD-Rs.

    No one needs to buy every random thing they put out.

  • Classic Movies That Need A 4K Release
  • This is a super bro-y list. If Inception didn't already have a 4K release it would definitely be on here.

    I'd like to see these on 4K, but there are a lot of movies that I'd like to see more, even within the filmographies of the directors referenced here!

    Let's give it a shot:

    Fincher: Zodiac.

    Anderson: There Will Be Blood or The Master. Easy choice over Boogie Nights.

    Tarantino: I want the 70 mm road show version of The Hateful Eight.

    Cuarón: Yeah OK, Children of Men for this one.

    Cameron: Well, we just got like half his filmography on 4K, and The Abyss looks great. (Aside from literally 2-3 badly altered scenes, True Lies does too, when in motion and not in stills on a website.)

  • ‘The Boys’ To End With Season 5 At Amazon
  • I really appreciate how fully realized the characters are, but the gore and gross-out elements, the just generally stressful situations, the flippant attitude toward humiliation, and the dystopian attitude toward death make the show a tolerance watch for me. I'll watch the next season, I think it will be worth watching as always, and I enjoy the commentary. I just don't think that I could say I'll enjoy watching it as I normally use that word.

  • Is Physical Media Getting Too Expensive?
  • So make sure to identify companies that are doing it, and avoid them in the future. Teach them a lesson and vote with your wallet.

    Yes, teach them a lesson, thereby collapsing the market for Blu-ray and 4K entirely. I hope you still like DVD, because 75% of this tiny market prefers it.

  • Weekly Discussion: 27 May 2024
  • I would post more regularly, but my financial situation changes very slowly and there's just not that much to talk about related to it without repeating myself. I don't follow outside FIRE resources, so I can't share anything of interest. I don't even know if I could categorize myself as FIRE exactly since I won't be able to retire in my 40s. 50s is likely... which used to be the normal age for retirement.

    I mainly subscribe with the hope of hearing from other people.

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