Trust your training
Trust your training
Trust your training
There's this book. Sequel to Wrinkle in Time i think. Where this kid brings up the subject of mitochondria in class. Gets pummeled for it.
This has got to be the funniest summary of A Wind in the Door
What's interesting to me about that phrase is that no one uses the word "powerhouse" for anything else any more, except maybe to call something powerful.
Since it's not the 1920s any more and we have an electrical grid and centralized power generation. We still sometimes do use temporary off-grid generators, but we no longer have any need for a dedicated word that means "building or shed that we keep our generators in".
Same here in Germany - immediately came to my mind!
Lmao I was watching an episode of ST: Voyager the other day and a little girl learning about mitochondria said they were the "warp core of the cell". That phrase is ridiculously pervasive
Can we take a step back and just appreciate how good Bluey is?
I really appreciate when kids shows are made with parents/guardians in mind (ie will watching the same episode 50 times make you want to off yourself or not)
It is really nice to have a children’s TV show that doesn’t scream the title and characters’ names at us over and over, mainly to make sure we remember to buy merchandise
It's really amazing. The only (not really) downside is that certain episodes make me tear up.
I haven't actually been able to watch the special episode properly because my wife and daughters are too busy crying. I do love how stripe is kicked out of the bushes by Wendy
What's with americans and mitochondria ?
Our politicians of a Sithian persuasion want to use Force Lightning on their enemies and subjects. Sadly(?), mitochondria are not quite the same as midi-chlorians.
It's been so ubiquitous for so long that I honestly don't know where it came from. But most of the time when I hear "the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" it's being used to take a jab at how impractical our education system is, as though to say, "instead of teaching me about X, they taught me about the mitochondria"
Grew up in Asia. Only moved to the US for undergrad... And this applies. So it's not just the Americans methinks.
It was ruined for me when I was getting my masters in genetics and learned that "mitochondria" is plural, and the singular is "mitochondrion." So, it's either "the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell" or "the mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell," and neither feel right.
I refer to one piece of broccoli as a broccolus broccolo.
Except its Italian, not Latin, so the singular is broccolo . If you want to use the Latin word,.it's broccus
I have one die which gives one datum at a time.
I feel like the leading "the" is what's messing that up.
"Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell" sounds fine to me.
*powerhouses might be better(it sounds better for me)
I constantly struggle with what's proper and what sounds right when using Latin plural in English.
It's mental how this is pretty much known worldwide, like drawing that S thing. The one similar to the Suzuki logo
As a non-native English speaker, I still have no idea why this specific phrase is so significant and at this point I'm afraid to ask.
We actually had the same sentence as the headline for the chapter about mitochondria in our class in the late 90s, just translated. "Mitochondrien - das Kraftwerk der Zelle"
I think it's just the most simplified you can get talking about cellular biology, specifically when teaching organelles. So most primary science textbooks use that terminology and it's more memorable than all the other organelles so it just stuck and it got repeated and reviewed every year and it sorta became a pre Internet meme and part of a shared consciousness if you were schooled in the US.
6th grade biology class in the United States, 2001 AD.
The teacher slaps up a diagram of a cell and organelles.
30-45 children all looking around the room, not exactly paying attention
She points to the various organelles, trying to explain their purpose, the golgi complex, ribosomes..
"And the mitochondria"
"Is the power house of the cell"
Children cheer in applause and repeat it, because it rhymes.
It then enters the collective unconscious of English speakers.
I was in the room where it happened.
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins
it's at this point a joke seen in non science contexts
Inertia is a property of matter
Its so ubiquitous that LLMs will always say it like that when it comes up.
She's mighty-mighty, just lettin' it all hang out
Mitosis is….
Damn, I haven't thought about that 90's Sabrina show since, well.. the 90's!
I learned about mitochondria from Parasite Eve. Damn I wish they'd remake that.
came here to say this. hopefully they don't become sentient and destroy the island of manhattan... or maybe it's not a bad idea afterall
I came here to say the same as well! Every time I see the word mitochondria I immediately return to fighting that T-Rex and those awesome green weapon range domes. What an excellent game.
Why does everyone know this, but still think the definition of "metabolism" is solely built towards fake weight loss regiments? Bit of a tangent.
the mitochondria is the energy center of the cell