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  • Beneath A Steel Sky (though I kinda prefer the grungier aesthetic of the Amiga floppy version)

  • I've been playing it off and on since maybe 2016-18 (somewhere within that range), so a pretty long time for me, but Pokemon Rejuvenation.

    If you don't mind swearing, death, and generally kinda edgy stuff, it's a fun enough game with a lot of content. 15 out of 18 badges (one per type) are currently available, with a very long story to go with it.

    Just started over on my Steam Deck, making this my umpteenth time starting over, because I felt like it and wanted to do a grass only run, similar to my fire only run. Also, unlike just about every other RPGMaker XP fangame, the devs have a Linux version available, which has an appimage instead of the .exe file to run the game and have made a bash script to update the game to replace the .exe file for that. Wine not required to play at all!

  • If we're sticking strictly to free, I'm not sure Doom mods work if you only have the free version installed. Either way, people basically never stopped making wads since the game came out, and I try various ones out from time to time.

    There are tons of them, so if you're interested you can see what won the annual Cacowards throughout the years and start there.

  • I've played Simutrans on and off ever since the mid 2010's. I'm not any good at it, and usually play it without regard to a lot of its mechanics (especially managing finances), but I've spent countless of hours just connecting communities and cities with over-engineered roads, rail systems, ferries, and airplanes.

  • Irisu Syndrome! is a favorite of mine. It's only from 2008, so I personally don't consider it retro. It's tricky to learn at first since it doesn't tell you anything about how to play and I don't recall there being a manual. It's also one of those games that you can't really say too much about without spoiling things.