Easier Voice Training Rule
Easier Voice Training Rule
Easier Voice Training Rule
Does anyone remember Love Line and how Dr Drew (rest his sanity) used to be able to identify childhood sexual abuse by baby voice?
How to immediately lower your voice by two octaves, asking for a friend
If you employ your vestibular folds properly you can lower your voice one octave while also talking in the same pitch as normal. If you constrict your throat properly, you can attenuate the sound which isolates a harmonic of the fundamental pitch you are speaking, effectively creating a third note.
You are now throat singing like a Tuvan, Mongolian, or a Tibetan monk
You take your current vocal frequency and cut in half.
Then you cut it in half again.
Alternatively, you can stretch out your sounds waves to four times the length to get the same effect.
sulfur hexaflouride
oh i thought it was gona be about a baby-ing voice u kno?
like - - i think u kno whad i mean