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  • Just watched Reservoir Dogs. Man, what a trip. Incredible acting and phenomenal camera work for such long, intense scenes.

  • After having recently finished the book, I watched American Psycho this week. It's a fantastic and hilarious film and doesn't stray too far from the book. Christian Bale is phenomenal in it and the social commentary feels almost as relevant today as it did for the late 80s when it was set.

  • I have yet to watch it, but I have the drive to eventually get around to watching the new Wallace & Gromit film. I have it available to watch whenever I want on my desktop but have yet to get around to it.

    Otherwise, I did start watching s1 of The New Batman Adventures, despite only being somewhere maybe either towards the end of s1 or very early s2 of BTAS. Not that any of that matters since I probably ain't missing anything major. Only complaint I have with it is a very minor "I don't like how Bruce Wayne's eyes are blue now instead of black".

  • I've just started watching ghosts! I got the recommendation here and I'm really enjoying it. I also finished s3 of mythic quest which I bloody love.

  • After finishing all the Dexter seasons, I tried three episodes of SweetPea. It as not for me. Then tried 3 episodes of Madmen, same issue. Felt as if it wasn’t for me.

    Now watched the first episodes of The day of the Jackal and that seems to be my thing.

  • Right now I am watching bros( and its a chore to get through.Its half about modern queer culture and half gay romcon

    Right of the bat, its loud and obnoxious and has south park style of "comedy" where it hits you over the head with the joke until you get it.There is a scene around where i am at the moment, where i thought for a sec it was gonna be a little subtle about it until the next shot and that's when know there isn't a subtle bone in this film. It also tries to cram in every possible thing said in relation to LGBTQ+ under the sun by which i mean the writers' twitter feed and has very little if anything to say about any of it. Its also one step way from adding a laugh track,characters react in that uncanny way that characters react in sitcoms react when the main cast say something offensive/outrages or off-putting. The main character feels like a pessimistic/angry Christmas hating atheist plunged out of one of those Christian Christmas movies.

  • I usually don't watch much TV series and YouTube, but since I broke my arm on Friday, me and my partner has been watching weird and disturbing anime serieses.

    • Serial Experiments Lain: disturbing ominous mysterious. It has gotten quite the reputation on media over the years.
    • Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt: weird, funny and exaggerated. Imagine Powerpuff girls, but Japanese edition + tons of sex humor.
    • Solo leveling season 2: Oh, and I can't forget about solo leveling season 2. Super exaggerated action combat, highly recommend to anyone non-anime watchers or alike.