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Nintendo of America has requested the removal of 717 games on Vimm's Lair
  • I wouldn't know the point of the movies since I rarely watch live action movies anymore, but neither that or the security firm thing would stop me from trying. I'm a stubborn, pig-headed individual at times and this is one of those times.

  • Nintendo of America has requested the removal of 717 games on Vimm's Lair
  • Now more than ever I wish the Purge was real so I could steal a car, drive over there to their HQ, and then absolutely destroy the place. They deserve it.

  • Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter
  • At this point, we have some absolutely impressive Portal 2 mods that, in my opinion, definitely make up for not having Portal 3. We've got Tag (the paint gun mod), Thinking With Portals (a short one that gives you the ability to create a clone thing that copies recorded actions), and I've been playing through one I just found out about called Revolution that is pretty cool so far.

    I personally like to think that the fans have done a good enough job at creating mods and maps that a Portal 3 would be redundant.

  • It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC
  • Wouldn't be surprised if they did include that as a public space.

  • It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC
  • I hope one of the local government members gets a major sickness like COVID because someone with it comes up to them unmasked and sneezes on them. Then their Republicans might learn a lesson so long as it was one of them getting sneezed on. Though, I doubt it.

  • Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms
  • If I were a teacher in that state, I would definitely hide it somewhere where students never look if they don't have rules on where it has to be placed. That, or if a student vandalized it, I would pretend not to see it and when asked why it's vandalized, just play dumb.

  • What drew you to the high seas?
  • Earliest example of me pirating was when my dad used Limewire. I'd like to think I used it as well, but I doubt it since I wouldn't have known anything to look up.

    Otherwise, in highschool I would go to different sites to find cartoons/anime that weren't available on Netflix (or Hulu back when it was just about the only competitor). This was before I knew what sites were safe, so I probably ended up getting viruses without knowing.

  • Google's call-scanning AI could dial up censorship by default, privacy experts warn
  • I can imagine that in the worst case scenario, company xyz pays millions to gøøgle to have its phone call scamming AI look out for anything that could be taken as even the most mild criticism and cut off your call. That, or the AI randomly cuts out the call because it hallucinates you saying bad things.

  • What did the lettuce say to the celery?
  • *lettuce end this here

  • BBC thinks we might as well get comfortable, fellow Zoomers.
  • I know a way to make it feel comfortable, but it's so much harder nowadays to get away with murder and drugging people to death.

  • What are your favourite lesser known websites?
  • I couldn't think of many less visited sites I usually go to often, but coalregion(dot)com is an interesting site I found using this Wiby search engine a long time ago. It's a site about a region in Pennsylvania. They have a section for recipes supposedly from that region along with a section for words/slang from that regions past. They got other things, but the dictionary and recipes interest me more than the other parts.

  • What do you think of the term "short king" as a term that's supposed to champion body positivity for men?
  • As someone who is a few inches below average height where I live, I personally wouldn't like being called a "short king". Also, fuck those over 6 foot men for driving up the average height and unintentionally making me have an irrational annoyance because I'm short.

  • What is a song you wanted to find again for a long time, but it gave you no clear clue about how to search for it?
  • Was a song I hadn't heard for well over a decade. Bought a Blu-ray player from a thrift store. Whoever got rid of it forgot to sign out of Pandora, which was pre installed on it alongside some Blockbuster program of all things. Ended up using the account because I figured nobody would care (otherwise the original account owner(s) might try to unlink the account from the device if possible) and the song randomly came on. Happened maybe almost a year ago.

    It was The Middle by Jimmy Eat World.

  • Minecraft on sale for 50% deluxe edition and standard edition.
  • I left after the Java chat/sign/whatever filtering controversy. Never got into bedrock edition, so I never had to worry about it. Don't know if they backed down on it, though.

    And the microtransactions are also absolutely abhorrent as well. Never felt with them, but I don't know a single sane person who actually like them.

  • Bethlehem, PA cop assigned to middle school sexually assaulted student multiple times, including in boy's locker room during school dance, authorities say
  • Best we can do is give him an all expense payed vacation and a slap on the wrist for show.

    • His precinct, probably


    Clicked the link. Facing charges.

  • UK government responds to Stop Killing Games campaign, There is "no requirement in UK law" preventing publishers from rendering older games unplayable
  • If there is no law preventing a publisher from rendering older games unplayable, then surely there's no law against fans making them playable again, right? (Besides the obvious copyright bullshit most every developed nation has in place and stuff like that, obviously)

  • Google now offers ‘web’ search — and an AI opt-out button
  • How long until they kill this because they see that they could potentially make even a penny more per user by shoving AI down your throat completely?

  • Stop Killing Games Canadian Petition - Now Open For Signature
  • I imagine it being basically impossible for MMORPG games. How do you keep an MMORPG alive without removing the MMO part?

  • What horror story/movie/game/whatever terrifies you even though it's fictional?
  • Warning! Spoilers! I'd use the spoiler tag, but no matter how I do it (correct or incorrect), it doesn't show up for me.

    Perfect Blue.

    Not for the conventional murder or bad things happening, but the whole structure of not knowing what's real and what is just an illusion and not knowing how much time has passed.

  • Helldivers 2 gets delisted in more countries without PSN access, blindsided devs call for it to be "available worldwide" | Gamesrader
  • It makes sense to delist games you can't play in another country due to not being able to make an account so that someone doesn't buy your game and then go for an automatic refund after finding out they can't play it, but still a dick move.

  • How does ripping a CD/DVD work exactly? Is it similar to copying or does it leave the CD/DVD unusable?

    I've never ripped CDs or DVDs before for any reason and am curious how this works since I have some stuff I wanna see about backing up but am nervous about ruining the disc. I've tried looking this up, but every time I do, I obviously am searching for the wrong thing because I have never found the info I'm looking for.

    Bluetooth Help (MX Linux Plasma, kernel 6.1.0-13)

    Linux noob. Just got a pair of Skull Candy Push Active XT bluetooth earbuds. They pair just fine with my setup but no sound comes through them. I found many different posts on various forums and nothing helped.

    Using the inxi command I pulled some info I think might help, if it's needed. (I don't know if any of this is needed to help fix this issue. I've only been using MX for a little over a week and have never really done a lot of under the hood Linux maintenance before, but am more than willing to learn to fix this issue). If there is sny other information needed, I'm willing to edit this with any of that information, if I can find it.

    >Bluetooth: Device-1: Intel type: USB driver: btusb v: 0.8 bus-ID: 3-10:5 chip-ID: 8087:0033 class-ID: e001 Report: hciconfig ID: hci0 rfk-id: 1 state: up address: <filter>

    >System: Kernel: 6.1.0-13-amd64 arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 12.2.0 Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 5.27.5 wm: kwin_x11 vt: 7 dm: SDDM Distro: MX-23.1_KDE_x64 Libretto October 15 2023 base: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)

    >Machine: Type: Convertible System: SAMSUNG product: 750QFG v: P04RGT serial: <superuser required> Chassis: type: 31 serial: <superuser required> Mobo: SAMSUNG model: NP750QFG-KA1US v: SGLB447A0M-C01-G001-S0003+10.0.22621 serial: <superuser required> UEFI: American Megatrends LLC. v: P04RGT.160.230427.HC date: 04/27/2023

    >Audio: Device-1: Intel driver: sof-audio-pci-intel-tgl API: ALSA v: k6.1.0-13-amd64 status: kernel-api Server-1: PulseAudio v: 16.1 status: active

    How would I go about bypassing securom to allow for installation of a game?

    Got a copy of Borderlands (EU iso) from the r/ROMS megathread and found out there is securom verification (which I have absolutely no experience with) as part of the installation process.

    Closest I have found to a solution to bypass so far after some brief searching was one "Generic Securom 7/8 by Virusek" off of the "LOSTFILESARCHIVE" github page, which leads to a 404 page (even on the wayback machine).

    Are there any programs or patches you would recommend to bypass this god awful drm?

    AceFuzzLord Dizzy Devil Ducky

    I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!

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