Which well known public figure would you say is washed up and desperately trying to cling to relevance? (No politicians)
Which well known public figure would you say is washed up and desperately trying to cling to relevance? (No politicians)
Which well known public figure would you say is washed up and desperately trying to cling to relevance? (No politicians)
Tom Hanks.
I am still mad over the travesty that is the Sully falsification. I've heard enough about his 'bizzare' Elvis performance, and his unnecessary rambling in the newer Disney Pinnochio to feel certain he should've retired years ago.
Gwen Stefani. She just has that 'i promise I'm still cool' desperation to her. She used to actually seem cool.
Alec Baldwin
Russell Brand
Washed up yes, what is he hocking to try to cling?
Religion, to try and dodge sex abuse charges
Does Steven Seagal still fit here?
Dr. Phil?
Was Steven Seagal ever relevant? I mean besides the "so trashy that it's occasionally fun", guilty-pleasure type of relevance he briefly enjoyed in the 1980s?
Hence the question! I mean I feel like he had a certain relevance in his prime. Every now and then he pops up shilling for some crazy right-wing cause... or as a Sheriff's Deputy. Similar to Dr. Phil going out on ICE raids.
Half the 2000s Silicon Valley star executives seem to be there. Mark Zuckerberg even dresses like he’s in a Limp Bizkit cover band now. They’re not irrelevant due to money/power but they aren’t culturally relevant anymore and are seemingly all having a collective midlife crisis.
JK Rowling and Jeremy Clarkson.
Aaron Rodgers, since he turned into the Q-B