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  • Data suggests RTX 5090 prices are slowly stabilizing


    The average selling price on eBay has dropped to $4,000


    • Jesus Christ who are these people dropping $4K on a GPU. Insane

  • uh huh yeah sure I could sell a kidney or two to buy an overpriced underperforming ropless nvidia card

    ..or I could just buy a somewhat better value midrange amd card instead.

    • no top end competitor atm

    This is so dumb I hate that this is our current reality.

    I love my 1080 that I bought so long ago and I see no reason to support nvidia anymore.

  • It's not going to get to MSRP. As long as Nvidia is making higher profit margins elsewhere, gaming is going to be on the back burner.

    The 40 series hasn't reached MSRP. It's no accident.