High School Coach Fired For Pulling Athlete's Ponytail
High School Coach Fired For Pulling Athlete's Ponytail

High School Coach Fired After Pulling One Of His Athlete's Ponytail

High School Coach Fired For Pulling Athlete's Ponytail
High School Coach Fired After Pulling One Of His Athlete's Ponytail
Hmm. Old white man pulls girl’s hair. Consequences. Old white man receives guilty verdict on 30 odd felony charges and conspires with Russia. Awarded the Presidency.
Justice in America: served.
You forgot that one of the old white men is "rich", so you have to apply the set of rich people consequences.
I will list them for you here:
Yes, but dollars and ability to make others more dollars.
Good on 24 standing up for her teammate.
Total boss. Absolutely the collected confidence I want to see in young folk.
She is clearly upset and crying before that even happens. What a bully.
Coaches? Bullies? Nooooo... Lol
Merely firing him is far too soft: he should be facing a criminal charge for Assault.
From the article:
A high school basketball coach has been fired after he got angry and pulled an athlete’s ponytail during a state championship game Friday.
That's awful one sided of you to not also include that it was after she called the coach an "expletive" after he told her she needed to shake hands with the opposing team.
Not saying what he did was OK or justified or not, but at least present more than just the one side when it's right there.
Allegedly. He said that after he was caught on camera assaulting that student!
And if true? Who gives a shit!? He's an adult, in a position of authority, and she's a minor. Oh, and he assaulted her.
He had punishment options other than Assault: for example he could have kicked her out to the showers, kicked her out of the team, possibly even all the way to getting her kicked out of the school.
You know, normal tools for coaches and teachers in highschools to deal with serious pupil misbehaviour.
This ain't the 1920s and physical punishment isn't acceptable in schools anymore.
If it's not justified and doesn't matter, why bring it to? Might as well include that the girl took a deep breath before the assault because that also doesn't matter
You're basically defending the guy by saying violence is somehow appropriate when a teen curses at you. Do you realize what you're implying?
There is no "other" side to an adult assaulting a child, ever.
If it's not justified regardless, then why does it matter what she did?
What a fucking ghoul.
That's assault, "brotha".
-- Billy Madison
...and battery
Do you double dare me?
Medal of Freedom incoming
Consequences! I’ll be damned!
Boy this is some ground breaking news guys. Gotta make sure to tap into that rage!
Are you okay...? What should our reaction be, seeing the assault of a minor by a trusted adult who has authority over them, on camera, with our own eyes?? I'm sorry that it's sensational and rage-inducing, but that's all on him. It's still news...
Not ground breaking just an accounting of the erosion of basic human rights specifically of the female nature. Soon women will be restricted from voting, owning property, and only allowed outside while in the company of a suitable male.
just an accounting of the erosion of basic human rights
Look dude, I don't know how old you are or how much time youve spent in sports. But this absolutely isn't an "erosion". Coaches used to have absolutely immunity and were so much more brutal, both physically and mentally, than they are allowed to be down.
And to be clear, this isn't condoning what the coach did. But the mere fact he got fired (and has charges pending) is actually an improvement since the 90s.
Again, what the coach did is not good. And just because it's "better" doesn't mean it's good. Its just hard to take your comment seriously when you clearly have no context.
I'm sorry but you're way overextrapolating from a sample of 1.
What the guy did was wrong (quite literally the crime of Assault). At the same time, to go all the way from that to conclude this shows a systemic problem such as "erosion of basic human rights specifically of the female nature" is you filling-in the blanks (which is is almost all of the space in "systemic erosion of female human rights" when all you have is "1 case of mild assault of a young female by a coach") with your own pre-conceptions.
Maybe there is an "erosion of basic human rights specifically of the female nature" (above all in the US), but this one case of one guy and one girl in a country of 340 million people by itself is nowhere statistically significant enough to support a theory about a society-wide problem.
Not even disputing that ultimatelly your expectation might end up proven (hope it's not, but Fascists will Fascist and any kind of equal rights are one of their dislikes), just disputing that this case by itself and in the absence of frequent news of such cases is in any way enough to jump to that conclusion.