Guess the Episode (Very Hard)
Guess the Episode (Very Hard)
Guess the Episode (Very Hard)
Bender gets made
Ding ding that is correct! Amazing episode, on my last rewatch I caught this one second joke towards the end of the episode that I thought was great.
The episode where the brains make everyone dumb and Fry has to fly this ship.
Great guess but not quite!
The day the earth stood stupid
Sounds plausible
For no raisin
Interesting, if true
I didn't see the ship at first and I was thinking "Wow, this one IS hard"
Haha true, that roof has been destroyed so many times 😂
I would've guessed the killer app.
“That’s coming out of your pay!” Hermes says to Zoidberg after Leela obliterates the ceiling during lift off.
The show's opening credits?