Legit had someone from my last job start going on a break room tirade about how "those damn unions just want your money" but strangely had no rebuttal when asked why giving them 2% of your paycheck is a bad thing when they negotiated your RAISE to be 15% and your health benefits add up to an additional savings of around 20%.
I'm SO SORRY you're getting extra money and healthcare rather than the NOTHING you had before.
Nowadays I like to print up cards with unionizing information on them, facts vs myths, links to read up more, anti-union tactics, links to join unions, links to find HELP setting up a union, and basically anything I could cram into a business card. Now I leave about 10 of them any time I go into a non union store.
Given how previous management has reacted to "someone" leaving these in the break room, I'm sure I've caused a few sleepless nights.
Hasn't Amazon been caught deducting pay arbitrarily from delivery drivers?
In fact, given a lot of them seem to be able to be terminated at a moment's notice, so no guarantees of pay there either. And work rules? What?
Oh and talking to someone paid by the company about your grievances Vs someone independent seems like a worse alternative than the final bubble.
Man, these guys really suck at propaganda
They make union dues seem like a big deal, but not unionizing will cost you even more. A union will pay for itself when they negotiate a raise.
You have much fewer guarantees on pay, benefits, and work rules without a union on your side. Amazon can, and does, change policies at will. A union keeps them in check.
Bringing complaints directly to your supervisor or manager will solve nothing, and in the process, it will get you on their shit list. Sometimes, anonymity is priceless.
No guarantees on pay, benefits or work rules.>
Union job in an at-will state: well-defined step-based just cause system for disciplinary action.
Non-union job in an at-will state: Your boss doesn't like a mole on your face, "bad culture fit".
Wait so..having to go through your supervisor and manager is listed as a plus?????? america or not, aint noone likes going through that, usually
There's no guarantee you will get more money! Get the same money or less guaranteed instead!
Always love it when the people in charge know something is bad for THEM but good for US and they just throw a tasteful graphic spouting some bullshit on a page to change minds. They did this in Columbus about Issue 1 like a month ago, saying how upping the Majority Vote to 60% for state bills was just a good thing, even though it was just to prepare for issue 1 in November to repeal backwards ass Abortion Laws. It was obvious too since it was like all the pamphlet talked about
go through union instead of your supervisor or manager
So they’re threatening workers with a good time? Interesting strategy.
The union dues from my last pay period was $32.
My pay and benefits were hard fought for and won by my union, including back pay through arbitration when we got stiffed on pay for a particular part of our job for a few years.
When I have a problem, I go to my supervisor. Usually things get fixed. If they don't want to fix it, I go to my union rep and things usually get fixed fast. If they don't, I go to my union grievance officer and things definitely get fixed fast. The last thing my supervisor wants to do is deal with the union rep, let alone the grievance officer, so having those 2 backing me up goes a VERY LONG WAY over just dealing with my supervisor by myself.
Don't believe the propaganda from people with a vested interest against your rights as an employee...
If you want to join a union: https://join-a-union.github.io/
I sharpened the QR code. It reads:
Very surprised they didn't put
or other such crap in it to measure its effectiveness as opposed to the printed URL.(Saved you a click: domain is on sale, not used after 2022. Archive)
Wait... are they saying that I could have sent my employees to the Union instead of endless discussions about next year's pto distribution? Could you not have said that sooner?!
Given how big a shitshow Amazon is, both in fulfillment and corporate, I'm shocked that they weren't the first tech company to fully unionise.
Well, I say that knowing that there are lots of people that are extremely anti-union, even those that have suffered due to RTO/RTT, or Amazon's infamous PIP culture.
And I say this knowing that Amazon workers could happily form a union with 250k workers, and Amazon would happily fire them without a thought, even if it actively harmed them.
Ask! (Whether borderline slavery is for you)
Dues deduct from your paycheck
So does every other subscription "service.", but we don't talk about the vileness of a Netflix subscription do we?
No guarantees on pay, benefits, or work rules
This is just a lie. I cannot find another angle to it.
Even without a union, there is no guarantees on pay, benefits, or work rules. So the point is moot. It's like saying "Anything is possible" and walking away like you said something sagely.
Typically must go through union instead of your supervisor or manager
Most people wouldn't understand why this matters unless you've been apart of a job where your manager has defended you against your supervisors. Very few people have had this happen, but the idea is that you will have people that DEFEND YOU from your supervisors getting power hungry.
It's not even like your supervisor can't bring accusations against you, it just means that complaints would have to have merit.
Amazon on their way to get dogpiled in the media again.
In a world were people will gladly vote to put in position of power the same guy that trampled on them, it is not that surprising that people will root for the company that is drying them out to discard them faster.
Surprised this brazenly says to vote no. Usually telling people how to vote is the line they dance around with all the negative "facts"
dues were paying a couple lawyers to make sure company followed the law and own rules. mgmt is usually jealous of union pay. except upper mgmt(profit sharing) typically union will give better advice in any disputes.
This is not mildly infuriating, this is extremely infuriating
I easily can imagine someone facing a wall and pissing in a bottle while looking at this poster.
Typical Amazon... I hope American workers are smarter than this and don't fall for it.
All big company are the same i worked for wal-mart canada for way too long and the simple rumors of the word Union in a manager ears would bring paper like this on the breakroom table and sometimes even a little video on why union are the reason of everything evil in the world even the end of dinosaurs.
Lol how to convince someone exactly the opposite of what you want
Amazon anti-union cope
This makes me want to re-watch the based as fuck Deep Space Nine episode (Bar Association) where Quark's bar staff go on strike.
I tried checking the link but it didn’t work- anyone know why?
It’s not much of an argument but it’s honest work some designer had to stick together.