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  • This is my story:

    1. YouTube has a limit of 5000 videos in a playlist. So, the default 'Watch Later' playlist was filled up quickly for me.

    1. Then I created a 2nd playlist named 'Watch Later 2' where I'm 3600 videos in. But now I've ditched this playlist for something new.

    1. Instead, now I simply open a video & close it, to add it to my History. 'History' also has a search button now, but it needs the exact video title I guess, no typos.

    Also, I have a total of 84 different custom playlists that I've created for different topics & God knows the total number of videos they contain that need to be "watched later".

    This is my life now in YouTube.

    • Bit random, but the history search function doesn't require an exact copy of the title. However it does feel arbitrary what words work for the search and what words don't. I was searching for mods for a game for instance and I used the search term "mod GAME NAME" And like 10 videos showed up from like 2 months ago. With the video I wanted (which was more recent) no where to be seen. Then I tried searching for "GAME NAME" and it was the first hit. So idk man. The history search just sucks