What's a good music app for android to access your local files?
What's a good music app for android to access your local files?
I use musicbee on my pc would like to get something similar for my phone.
What's a good music app for android to access your local files?
I use musicbee on my pc would like to get something similar for my phone.
Can't beat poweramp.
Been using it for like 10 plus years.
I love poweramp. Once Google sunset google music I checked tons of music players for one that worked well both on my phone and with android auto and poweramp was by far the best one.
Yup, Poweramp!
I love the "play when aux/Bluetooth is connected" option on this. That by itself was worth the price for me
VLC works pretty well for me.
Vlc on mobile is great. Surprisingly clean interface.
Musicolet is my favorite. Oodles of features.
Second this
why? i see their page and wonder....why? what does it do vlc doesnt?
Legit, poweramp is the default answer to this if you have any concern about sound quality. Neutron is as good or better, sound wise, but it's a hot fucking mess otherwise.
Gonemad is good, but the sound just isn't as good, and the ui is meh. The developer, however, is one of the most responsive and cool people you'll ever deal with.
Past that, and you're really just picking began your preferred ui. There's stuff like jet audio, or usb player pro that have niche features, and work fine when you're using an external DAC. But they aren't going to do as much on average.
General use: Musicolet (free, no ads)
If I want to change the pitch and speed of the music: Music Speed Changer (free with ads, removable with a 1 time purchase)
Paid: Poweramp, Symfonium, Shuttle2
Free: Musicolet
Try Retro Music Player. It's a beautiful app + it's open source.
Pulsar. Man kann den Ordner mit der Musik als Startbildschirm festlegen.
I don't know musicbee so I don't know if it's similar, but AIMP has worked well for me. That said I haven't used it in a while as I've primarily been using dsub to access my self-hosted airsonic server.
Neutron player + DAC is the way to go
I use neutron as well the sound is great but I'm kinda annoyed anytime it updates I have to get a fresh copy from their site or it can't see any of my music.
I know this is because of Google changing android permissions more than anything but no other music player seems to have this issue and Neutron is not a cheap app.
I use this: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/io.github.muntashirakon.Music It's nice.
This is also an interesting concept: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/rocks.mucke/
I use foobar2000. I don't think it's on f-droid, though, just google play.
Foobar just works. I use it for audiobooks as well.
I've settled on gonemad, it's one of the only ones which has what I need - an audodj feature to queue random albums after the current one has finished and the ability to play random albums (like a button to play a random one). Unfortunately none of the open source ones I've tried have both of these, usually the autodj feature
While I mostly use Spotify, I found one podcast that wasn't on there and ended up with Musicolet mainly because it has a sleep timer.
I've been using vanilla music. There is a plugin for it that lets you find metadata (album name, artist, album cover etc.) for songs automatically.
Someone gotta make a MD3/MY mod for Neutron
I've happily used ticket player for so long I paid for it ages ago... It's been with me for over 10 years, I think
Pi Music Player
Phonograph Plus is pretty good.