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Silo Episode 10 -Finale- Discussion (TV Spoilers)

Warning: This should go without saying, but please do not post book spoilers in this thread. However, this post will contain TV spoilers up to episode 10.

  • So I have one observation about the ending:

    Spoiler alert if you haven't seen it yet

    I have seen a good amount of discussion on what is going on here, and agree with a lot of it, but there is one detail I haven't seen anyone mention (and maybe I missed it somehow) but when she goes out to clean the bodies of the sheriff and his wife don't appear to be out there, but they do show up in the silo feed. Is this just because of what she is seeing in her helmet or are the bodies gone? How true is the feed from the the silo?

    • spoiler

      The bodies are definitely still there. I don't know how the technology is supposed to work, but the inside of the helmet is a display that is fake. If you notice the video that is being played when they all go out to clean is identical. The same birds flying in the same spot etc.. Nobody in the Silo understands what a digital video is which is why this display is so convincing to them that what they see has to be real.

      Juliet was able to see through this and knew where Holston's body was supposed to be which is how she could feel around for his leg and then put his badge on his body.

      • I totally missed that!

        I somehow I didn't realize that she was putting the badge on his body. I thought she just set it down where she remembered him being as like a marker and to test how the display would behave. Now I need to go back again.

  • Just finished watching the finale. What a great series that was. I am going to have to start the book tonight now.


    I called that ending though. I was certain there was absolute proof by episode 2 that it was dead outside. Just that fact that Holston was able to find Allison's body after taking off his helmet was a give away that the helmet was projecting some kind of illusion. Also that the suit they were given to go out and clean was somehow sabotaged and that the tunnel in the basement goes to other Silos. That the 18 was their Silo number. Although the game Fallout kind of made that obvious.

    Admittedly I am a bit confused by the green screen outside. I don't really get how this technology can work as it is like a 3D hologram. It seems like the heat tape she stole a long time ago was replaced by Walter somehow which allowed her to survive outside unlike everyone else.

    What now though? Obviously this is going to cause absolute chaos in their home Silo with people demanding to go outside. She could also cause some disruption at other Silos appearing in front of their cameras.

    What is Bernard going to do in the Silo 18 server room? Maybe he can talk to other heads of IT? I really want the believe that the shooting star that other IT guy saw was a made man satellite that is allowing communication between Silos and that is why Bernard is being so harsh on this guy for potentially noticing it.

  • What a wild episode! While I could probably make some guesses. I don't know what to expect from another season!

  • I feel like really good adaptations tend to find different ways of reaching the same main plot points, the adaptation differences remind me a lot of how the expanse did it. It makes it really exciting for book readers because it's keeping us on our toes, my head was often spinning wondering how Juliet was going to make it past the ridge because it didn't seem like she was going to get the better tape.

  • What I don't understand about the ending is this, if anyone has hypotheses (or knows from the books):


    Why do they project a green world in the helmet of those who go out? Doesn't it defeat the purpose?

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