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Her doubles tennis partner is Wajoseph
  • Why not WaMary?

  • Gentoo users be like
  • It is driving me crazy that I have no idea what this means.

  • Yard lookin' fine tho.
  • How do you do this? I am interested. We have drought problems here.

  • Get rid of those angry, masculine mannerisms
  • You could always choose not to engage.

  • Get rid of those angry, masculine mannerisms
  • There are plenty of women who can do that too.

  • No regrets
  • I wish.

  • A bit late
  • Statistically the disparity is significant.

  • A bit late
  • The reverse of what?

  • A typical tour of duty as a Red Shirt is intense, but brief.
  • Ya know, they are always shooting people into space in photon torpedo casings in these shows/movies, but isn't that pretty odd? Wouldn't you bring the bodies back to earth so their families can have ceremonies and process the remains? Can you imagine having your dad die in some freak situation and they just shoot his body into space in the middle of nowhere? No to mention that there are any number of aliens out there who could reanimate that body if they find it.

  • Ok, $23. Final offer.
  • That is funny, and a stupid offer, but I do get annoyed by the sellers selling something for $50 you offer $45 or something and they counter offer $49. If you aren't going to take a decent offer or at least meet in the middle, why not just turn off the best offer option? Why waste both of our time?

  • Anyone know of any keyboards bodies similar to this one?
  • Keychron V series has a Smokey case option as well.

  • Hound, Wolfe, & Chase
  • This is my favorite post so far this week.

  • Curious
  • Very "weird"

  • it's Rosie's first birthday today :)
  • Is Rosie AI generated?

  • Locked
    gotta do it
  • Locking this post, the amount of reports and uncivil pissing matches is getting to be more than we can address in a timely fashion.

  • bOtH SiDeZ!!

    If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the 988 Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States.

    Directory The 988 Lifeline is available for everyone, is free, and confidential. See below for additional crisis services and hotlines.

    988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 988 Text 988

  • And then...
  • Is this a meme? It doesn't seem like one to me. Let's take a vote. Reply to this comment with MEME or NOT

  • Political Memes Tenthrow
    Rule Change for PoliticalMemes

    The fundamental tenet of a working democracy is voting. Everyone should have a vote and everyone should exercise their right to vote. To that end we have been seeing posts attempting to shame/mock or otherwise influence people not to vote. While this is a meme community, the idea that people shouldn’t vote goes against the fundamentals of a democracy by the people and for the people. To that end, we are adding a new rule that disallows posts that discourage or shame people from voting. This doesn’t mean that you can’t address how people vote, but even those who don’t agree with you and your political views should still vote. We all should. Everyone. Part of the reason we are in the mess we are in now is because participation in democracy is abysmal. Posts discouraging people from voting are essentially propaganda and will be removed.

    PoliticalMemes is a community for having fun at the expense of our political hellscape we find ourselves in. People not voting is a big part of why.

    We are taking feedback on this change, please let us know if you agree or disagree in the comments and why.

    Satellite Images Point to Indiscriminate Israeli Attacks on Gaza’s Health Care Facilities Satellite Images Point to Indiscriminate Israeli Attacks on Gaza’s Health Care Facilities

    New research finds that Israel’s attacks on Gaza damaged hospitals and other medical facilities at the same rate as other buildings, potentially in violation of international law.

    Satellite Images Point to Indiscriminate Israeli Attacks on Gaza’s Health Care Facilities
    December Book Club Canceled. Short Stories instead!

    We saw VERY few nominations for books in December, and I know everyone is very busy with the season. We'll open nominations for January at the end of the month so be thinking about it.

    INSTEAD... we are going to be reading some short stories for those that still want to have something to read together.

    Let's read:

    • This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
    • The Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang
    • The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster

    If you have other suggestions we can throw them out here too. I'll create discussion for these three for now.

    Not many nominations for the book club Book club nominations for December 2023 - Lemmy.World

    The time has come, friends, to nominate more reading for December! This post will collect nominations for the next few days (I’m thinking into the weekend) and then we’ll have us a vote. Please don’t hesitate to talk about why you want to share your pick and why you think it will be a good item for ...

    Book club nominations for December 2023 - Lemmy.World

    I know this is a busy month for a lot of us. So far we only have 2 nominations for the book club and one of them is mine. It seems like December might not be a great month for the book club. If we don't get a few more nominations I am going to cancel for December and push whatever nominations we get into nominations for January.

    What do you guys think? Should we cancel book club for December and pick up in January or do you guys want to move forward (which will some more nominations for a vote to make sense).

    Here's the nomination post for convenience. November Nominations

    Book club nominations for December 2023

    The time has come, friends, to nominate more reading for December! This post will collect nominations for the next few days (I'm thinking into the weekend) and then we'll have us a vote. Please don't hesitate to talk about why you want to share your pick and why you think it will be a good item for discussion.


    I made a tool to make it trivial to time your turkey thawing.

    I whipped this up today because I am always having to look it up and figure out when I am supposed to put my turkey from the Freezer to the Fridge. I plan to pretty it up over the next few days but hopefully this will be helpful to others (me too since I am cooking a turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year). I am open to suggestions too if you have any.

    [Discussion] Book club selection for November - Luna: New Moon by Ian McDonald

    Luna: New Moon by Ian McDonald


    We had a lot of selections to choose from this month and it was pretty close race between Luna and Annihilation. I am very excited to experience this book and enjoy the discussion.

    [Discussion] Second Place Book Club Selection - Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer

    Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer


    Annihilation is our second place selection for November. We decided to choose a second book for people who want to have a little more variety and want to do more than one book in a month. I am looking forward to the discussion on this one. I saw the movie when it came out but am really interested to experience the story in book form.

    What sci-fi stories bring out a strong emphasis on family (self made or born into) to you?

    For me I would say "The Expanse" is a huge one. If there was ever a self made family, the crew of the Rocinante is one of the best. The amount of time they spend together and how they congeal into life long partners and friends in the face of some truly awful events is really inspiring to me.

    The Holdovers

    cross-posted from:

    > We went to see The Holdovers in a limited screening this weekend and I have to say it was one of the best movies of its kind I have seen in many years. I found myself connecting deeply with he characters and was delighted that the audience was treated with respect throughout. Paul Giamatti's performance was excellent once again, and the film itself was a work of art from the solid humorous moments to the tear jerking bits. This film is well worth watching. I'd love to hear what you guys think.

    Book Club Voting for November

    Hello World! Greetings friends! The time has come to vote for the November Book Club selection. Please follow the link and vote for the books you would like to read. I am allowing votes for more than one (we'll see how it goes). If you guys have any comments about this process please let me know. We want to make this the best it can be!

    Book Club Nominations for November

    It's time to select a book for November! I'll collect nominations for the next couple of days.

    These are the nominations from October that didn't a chance to be voted on proper:

    • Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
    • Godspeed by Charles Sheffield
    • Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer
    • A memory called Empire
    • Hyperion
    • Revelation Space
    • Empire of Silence (Suneater series 1)

    Please add more or throw your support down for one of these! For me this month I will nominate:

    Omega Rising (book 1 of Omega Force) by Joshua Dalzelle

    UPDATE: We have some winners!


    Book Club selection for October - John Dies at The End by Jason Pargin / David Wong

    John Dies at The End by Jason Pargin (David Wong)


    Because I failed to properly call for an organize nominations and voting for October Book Club selection, we will forgo a formal vote and read John Dies at The End, as it had the most interest in the nomination post and it's a good fit for a spooky season read. We'll do better and be more organized in the lead up to a November selection.

    This is definitely a self paced discussion, but please try to finish and post your thoughts before the end of the month if possible. This is an easy read and likely an entertaining one.

    Thank you so much for participating! I am excited to hear your thoughts.

    Book Club Nominations

    Sorry for running late on this one... Please drop some book club nominations for October (preferably not 1000 pages as we are getting started a little late).

    Since it's spooky season I'll nominate John Dies at The End by Jason Pargin. It's an awesome horror/sci-fi with a sharp sense of humor.

    How would you guys feel about having a book club for the community?

    If you are up for the idea, how would you like to see something like that structured? I read a lot and would love to discuss.

    What are some of your favorite smaller Sci-Fi Horror/psychological thriller stories/films?

    Alien/Aliens is a given for most people. I have been watching Event Horizon during the spooky season for years. What are some of your favorite books and movies with a horror/psychological thriller lean?

    Spooky Season is upon us! [Suggestions Thread]

    cross-posted from:

    > I'll be watching my yearly staples but would love some new suggestions as well. We could all use a decent dark one as we exit this hellscape of a summer. > > My yearly list: > > - Hellraiser (1987) > - Psycho (1960) > - The Guest (2014) > - Rosemary's Baby (1968) > - Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010) > - Cabin in the Woods (2011) > - It follows (2014) > > These are the ones I almost always see over the next two months and I sprinkle in a lot of others from brand new to very old ones. Let's hear yours! (And we can talk about them too!)
